
Do you think if we paid them enough, we could get Trump, Kellyanne, et al. to sit in a room and watch every single one of their crazy, hyperbolic statements one by one, debunking them as we go with actual evidence? I mean they obviously all have a price. Would they short circuit? Could Kellyanne keep that ridiculous

And they say I disrespect the flag? GTFOH

Doc Brown?

Perfect use of alliteration. I am so in awe of his prose that I forget I am being insulted.

Did “Family Man” Brad ever do any movies with either of the Coreys? Timing is pretty coincidental between the story yesterday and the announcement.

Is Jason Patric A list?

Wonder who he learned that trick from?

You won’t build a wall keeping us potential immigrants out, will you? I promise to bring snacks.

Guy who kneels during the National Anthem to protest 400 years of tyranny and oppression is a traitorous piece of shit. Guy who threatens bloodshed if his candidate(who promises tyranny and oppression)doesn’t win the election is a governor and patriot. Wonder what the difference is?

Well, Dilfer shooting from the hip is still better than the Reverend(!) at a high school game in Alabama(oh, now I get it!), advocating actual shooting.

I don’t know who these people thing they are! When we let them into this country we expect them to assimilate! Learn our damn language! Learn our culture! They obviously don’t have any love for America or Americans! So go back where you came from!

I suppose I am not woke at all.

Well it is Philly. But there is a back story. The Eagles stunk, the original Santa was too drunk to appear on the field so they grabbed a 20 year old kid from the stands with a Santa hat. Oh, they pelted him with snowballs too. So yeah, Philly.

If I was her spin doctor, I would say she was in good company. Richie Allen, Jackie Robinson, Charles Barkley, Santa Claus...all booed in Philly.

Well, she is advocating stopping war! This gives comfort to the enemy! Obviously she should be lined up and shot for treason.

Thanks! I wasn’t totally convinced that human decency and kindness were the things of my memories! And that there was still hope for the world! I am now cured of that pie in the sky delusion. Fuck it.

So this guy picks someone who doesn’t believe evolution is a thing...marriage made in Heaven!

I agree. Rollins, McNabb, even Barkley. Seems like time softens a lot of the edges.

You could probably field an All-Underappreciated team of Phillies. First base would be tough. Him or Howard? Another thing I notice is that the All-Underappreciated team is mostly minority. Go figure.

This is the third headline I have read where my honest reaction was “Well, May she? Will she? Which one is it?!”