
Hope Hicks-Spokesperson for the Hicks’ Hope. Poetic.

Has anyone been watching the Phillies the last two weeks? He just figured that was where the ball was going to end up anyway.

Surrendering to something is not a weakness. It is a strength. You can acknowledge that your life has become unmanageable due to drinking or drugs without feeling shame over it. That is the whole point. And I know that it isn’t for everybody. But when you really look at the people it has worked for, and the changes it

Somewhere in Philly, the entire Sixers roster waits for a phone call.

Don’t b negative!

Hope they aren’t siphoning that money out of the special SEC sized legal defense and restitution fund. AKA The Baylor Account.

Sounds like my marriage! 15 years is short when taken in the context of the Paleolithic Age.

Finally! I knew this old 55 gallon drum of muskrat jizz would pay off someday! And people called me crazy!

I will vote for her, but for you to be so condescending and arrogant is a great parallel to why her campaign is struggling so much. And it is struggling. She is losing in national polls to Hitler without the brains. She is seen as untrustworthy and without integrity. Not by me, but by a MAJORITY of people polled. She

I had to circle back to star. It was subtle enough that it took a second. Nice work!

I think the concept may be romantic but there is nothing romantic about this...“gets to keep whatever cash and gift certificates in his possession.” I picture some lawyer standing there while dude looks in his wallet. Said lawyer itemizes...”One Chilli’s gift card, $25, One Jamba Juice gift card, expired, $23 in

What do they call your Julia Roberts whore with a heart of gold waiting for Mr. Right?

He doesn’t seem all that unhappy. Rehab is gonna be a bitch.

That looks like me playing basket ball with my son!

Isn’t this just a different version of “when I was a student...”(insert something that was better before these damn kids ruined everything!). My daughter is a sophomore. She is heavily involved in the LGBT community, and while there are times I get frustrated by my own lack of understanding, and at times even

If you ask Jackie Robinson, he would tell you that headline is spot on.

This is really the crux. I don’t know how many guys I work with who drop the word pussy any time the concussion thing comes up. And they are in total denial about the relation between football and CTE. Come to think of it, they are the same douchebags who claim climate change is a hoax. Sensing a pattern. I love

This is the only way I know how to say it, and I am not being funny or ironic. I wish I had 1/10th of this kid’s balls. Jesus, what is wrong with people? This kid did something crucial to our democracy. He stood up. And of course, his courage confused and scared those who thrive on confusion and fear. In a time where

As a fellow 700 level season ticket holder, I agree 100%. And I think that the crowd feeds into the legend. I definitely think that a lot of the old blue collar fans were priced out, but those fans did know hockey. A lot of these clowns couldn’t tell the difference between icing and offsides. They are there for an

Great article. As a longtime Philly fan, this was an embarrassment but not unexpected at all. There is a total inferiority complex in Philly. The lack of titles, the proximity to New York, and even worse, the fact that Pittsburgh, about a fifth the size outclasses us in three sports. This leads to constant paranoia