
I’m not the biggest fan of his movies or whatever, but it’s hard to deny the infectious energy he brings to everything he does. Even if it sometimes falls flat, he’s always trying, trying to entertain, to make people laugh.

I’d rather someone fell short of that sometimes, rather than never trying. I say he is a

without using the skip

It’s not direct programming hacks. It’s going frame by frame and meticulously recording inputs to achieve a desired outcome.

The initial trick used TAS. The three speedrunners mentioned in the video and article did it with a controller in real-time.

Yeah that sucks. I’m sure there are very reasonable explanations for why Illumination / Nintendo / Universal didn’t have to fully credit him but it’s still shitty.

We’re reading that statement very differently. I look at it more like “people were holding my silly monkey song to the same standard as famous rappers, which is ridiculous”. Here’s some more context around the quote:

They finally milked the C:S DLC cow so hard it’s time to make another cash cow.

As someone who commutes by public transit daily, I sympathize. If I ever win big on the lottery, I am buying everybody in my city soap and deoderant. I have been enduring the horrid stink of humanity on buses and trains for 25+ years and even after a quarter century of enduring it, I still can’t get used to it.

Now I want to see a map showing where Odd Job is banned in Golden Eye :)

That was a fun and interesting read. Thanks Kyle!

This will probably come across as hardcore “whataboutism”, so with that out of the way:

The only way you could make a better game that Civilization IV, is if you took the Civ IV Caveman to Cosmos mod, and simply improved the graphics, mouse controls, and UI, but kept all the newly added game mechanics in place. Honestly, if you were unimpressed with V and VI, and have a hankering to play IV with improved

This is 100% the correct response. Maybe its a generational thing , but I kind of feel like someone needs to remand the internet that two guys or girls can be close without it being a sexual relationship . That “every character is automatically at least Bi” attitude around shipping is pretty insulting , especially for

I get where you are coming from. But implying that 2 dudes being friendly with each other should be gay also diminishes that 2 dudes can also be open with each other and trust each other in a way that isn’t “toxic masculinity”. What I mean to say is they are best friends who care about each other. Atlus definitely

Why is it necessary? why force it? I am a gay man I do not need every game or media to have a character that represents me, even less when is done JUST to include it without real heart or purpose. I never saw any of them as being gay, and never had the illusion of them being gay, they do not have a gay story, so why

So wrong and yet so right.

If you pay attention to BB they only really use stun shots on Clones but hen they need to kill they kill. I mean did we watch the same scene where Crosshair kills at point blank a rebel that was surrendering,

Disney is really squeamish about the already PG violence in Star Wars.  I’ve been watching Bad Batch, and for an elite squad of clone troopers turned renegade, they lean HEAVY on stun shots.

Still not as realistic as the Jedi knight 2 games. You can clearly see moments where his lightsaber makes full contact with flesh and either glances off, or passes through. It still does damage but doesn't dismember like it should. The thing that makes a lightsaber feel powerful is that if it hits flesh, it's going

g_saberRealisticCombat 1