
Firstly, I don’t know if there is a name for it but there is certainly a trend of people attacking the popular flavor of the year or w/e. But I don’t think it’s people “turning on them” as much as, once the big hype dies down people who were always against them finally have space to talk and so they take over the

Crazy how many people are still seemingly missing the point.

Is there a name for the phenomenon when society takes someone who is very successful, and by all accounts an extremely down-to-earth and well-adjusted human being, and suddenly decides that they suck and don’t deserve their success?

I was watching the 4k video and it made me think about how awesome it was to figure out the secondary objectives, and you really just had to go around and discover the levels and try it out. No markers, no obvious flashing lights, and yet the objectives were not frustrating to the point where you couldn’t figure out

It’s one thing to revisit something - anything - with an open mind to re-evaluate it, especially if you think you’re in a different headspace than the first time you tried it. But if you think you’re “probably” going to hate it, idk, I don’t see the point in revisiting it. That’s just me though. Life’s too short to

In the meantime, I cannot recommend the 2010 Perfect Dark revamp they put out on Xbox 360 (still available on Live). It plays like you remember... until you compare the frame rate and compressed graphics of the OG.

I’ll probably try this out on NSO later if I can, but I’m probably going to hate it.

Shrug. I spent the summer of 1999 playing GoldenEye almost nonstop. It was a blast. Sure, FPS’s have advanced a lot since then but that doesn’t mean the game wasn’t hugely enjoyable.

Man there’s a whole lot of dubious takes going in these comments, and I can’t respond to them all, so I’m gonna try to respond to the two big pillars.

“The controls were always bad, even back then!”
The default controls for the vast majority of 90s shooters were tank controls. Doom’s keyboard controls out of the box

Goldeneye still plays great today, and we can appreciate the ideas and unique gameplay even if compare to modern titles. The best way to play is on 007 difficulty, that requires to go through every level few times to memorize enemies and understand objectives.

It’s really easy to pick up something this old, see its lack of quality of life features, ancient graphics, and archaic controls and dismiss it as a nostalgia play, but I think Goldeneye is an absolutely significant and necessary piece of gaming history. It’s old. It’s like watching a black and white film, and that’s

I guess I have officially graduated to “old and out of touch”.
After reading this whole post, I can only summarize it as “I get it, but I really don’t get it”.

Perfect Dark still holds up incredibly well. At least the re-release. The bots and customization options add so much.

The XBLA version is out there and fan patched and quite great. You don’t even need a super powerful computer to emulate it. 

As someone who still has an N64 and plays it occasionally, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were the last FPS games I ever spent a whole lot of time in. My gaming tastes changed after that. So while yeah, I look back fondly on them with nostalgia, they’re still fantastic games.

Probably a lot but I think it’s still fun if you can get into the right mindset. I haven’t played either the Switch or Xbox versions I plugged in my N64 a year or two ago and found the campaign was still pretty fun.

Its quite a miracle this ever got released because of copyright issues, which sucks. I think Nintendo and Microsoft where both okay with this. The issue mostly stemmed with the current James Bond license holder, EON Productions. They really had zero interest in this and have gone on record to even when fans have been

What I find ludicrous is that, after letting it be known that owners of Rare Replay would be getting the title for free, it’s only when I try and find it that I find out that Rare Replay owners that own the physical copy won’t be getting getting it. It’s only free for those who bought the digital version.


ok but were not vulcans. do you expect everyone to bottle up their feelings so you dont feel bad?