
You’re an idiot. It has more to do with the fact that the optics around that franchise has become so bad, so notoriously toxic that Nintendo doesn’t want to be attatched to it.

The best critique of South Park and one that’s come the closest to explaining why it rubs me the wrong way is that they always take the side of “not caring”. The end result is always that caring about anything is dumb and “both sides” are bad if either of them actually care.

At this point no reasonable CTO or small game dev will choose Unity. Even if they roll this change back, the damage is done. The risk is far too high to start a new project that will take years to complete for Unity to suddenly do a rug pull on your project.

including that charity games and bundles are excluded from fees

You’re getting pushback because this feature is, well, silly, but in general you’re 100% right and it’s not a coincidence that the most popular game IPs today were launched either with no input from “e-sports” or streamer culture, or else before those things even really existed at all. The gaming world is so

Wish other companies would take note here.  Sometimes what’s fun isn’t necessarily “what’s best”.

Subreddits going dark for three days sends the message that whatever Reddit does, they’ll always come back.

I call bullshit.

There seems to be a growing perception that every AAA game must be a forever-game with 60+ hours of busy-work over a highly replayable game.

Ad the thing is it doesn’t need to be this way. The last AAA game I played a ton of was AC: Valhalla and I didn’t finish it. With tools like unreal engine 5, game development should be getting cheaper, not more expensive.

If these third parties would just start developing for PC as the lead platform and then porting down to consoles, a lot of this would stop.  Internally, consoles are more like PCs than ever before.  This shouldn’t be hard to address.  

Team Xecuter specifically was known for being predatorial. They sold hardware in places such as Latin America (where I happen to be from) and preyed upon people who thought it’d just let them play Switch games for free, instead, their hardware was ransomware that would brick your Switch if you didn’t pay a monthly

Its pretty fucking scary. If people couldn't find a fault with Nintendo before. This definitely counts in the pretty fucking evil category.

Sir, you don’t understand. He took MONEY. From RICH people.

As we are starting to see from recent news, the cruelty from nintendo is the point.

Declaring bankruptcy to get out of restitution only works if you’re rich or a corporation.

Esp when the profit was 320K over 7 years, that’s barely over minimum wage? Wonder if he can declare bankruptcy over it

This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.

Its really discouraging that the trend of things these days just boils down to “just dont be the nail that gets hammered today.” Pointcrow had this in work for months, he was not quiet about its development. It could have been shuttered at any point. But so could multiplayer mario, the oceans of pokemon content, zelda

it’s landlordism for art. the hungry maw of capitalism will not be satiated until everyone is having their value extracted at every given moment and no one owns anything except a handful of people at the very top. They would make you rent your clothes if it was possible.