
I realize I am in the minority, but I can’t stand GTA online. For me, the game is the single player story. Those who feel like I do were let down by Rockstar because they added nothing to the single player experience.

I guess that’s where the money is, but playing GTA Online was one of the worst experiences I have had

What’s even the point of having age-restricted videos then?

I’m sure a lot of it has to do with the way the company’s opinions have changed after the hacks, but Nintendo has always been bizarrely secretive when it comes to their internal procedures and processes.

Why would Nintendo not want this information shared? It isn’t a current project, it isn’t an embarrassment, it’s just an idea that didn’t go anywhere.

I have really zero interest on Warhammer, but it is fascinating to see someone who loves and respects the IP get involved in such a project. Are they going to give him control? And if they do, is the source material good enough for a series? And they do and it is, is it going to be good? I may not watch it, but I hope

Fully transparent communism is a winning strategy. the problem is that all of our real world communism examples are not transparent. This tends to breed corruption. We are not super transparent in the US either but since we have 4 year elections with proper safeguards to insure each state gets a fair shake it means

I...guess this is news? Can police exist in any game without the game doing a deep-dive into the current issues, especially within the US, surrounding policing? Don’t get me wrong, they’re BIG and continue to be unaddressed and I hate copaganda as much as the next person but like...

People are so weird.

In the time it took you to write this, you could’ve just accepted that some people like something you don’t like.

TimeSplitters was always dual analogue.

The last Assassin’s Creed barelly had any stealth, more like an action game. Hitman is so different I wouldn’t consider it a proper stealth game. It’s more about hidding in plain sight. Elden Ring and Sekiro, and most the games you mentioned have it as an smaller option. As in, it’s a open world aproach and stealth is

Screw the haters; I still love GoldenEye. But NGL, waaaay more excited for the Xbox version!

Good work Cheello, your work is magical :D


Oh good. Maybe once we officially reach the point where:

Onin is now on the receiving end of some truly toxic gamer shit.

“Why doesn’t Nintendo support competitive Smash?”

adding a Minecraft character, and having it be top dog in tournaments is the funniest shit to ever happen in Smash Bros. Why get so mad? Those players should just, dunno, get better against it?

The reason is Brazil’s law has other companies write their opinions on upcoming mergers, and by law, those opinions are 100% public. That’s why the attention is on Brazil -- because it’s transparent.

You know what sucks? Working a 12 hour day on freelance rates to single-handedly run a website, and spending most of that time trying to highlight unknown indie games, to then find the only comment under a review of a properly great game deserving of wide attention is some sneering wankery complaining about a slightly