
Name a more iconic duo than SEGA and sadistic, game-crippling rushed schedules. Extra iconic rushing it out for an anniversary

I’m in the marketing and PR realm. I cannot emphasize how much these tweets are a trajectory-altering decision for Simon Thomley’s career and the entire Headcannon studio’s future prospects. When you’re a contractor/vendor/services provider, you don’t come out and say scathing things against a contracting client

A battle royale racing game? If anything, this should be drawing comparisons to Fall Guys. This looks good, but just because it’s fast doesn’t at all mean it’s enough like Sonic to merit comparisons.

That animated Count Dooku is pretty great. Not a look one would expect would work in RL.

So many great shots in this group but man, Wonder Woman is particularly striking

I played PC multiplayer shooters and still loved playing Goldeneye. You could love both back then and you can love both now.

Dude, it’s ok that you didn’t like Goldeneye. Lots of people did. It doesn’t make you wrong for not liking it, but it doesn’t make it a bad game, either.

I played the hell out of Jedi Knight and Quake 2, I also played the hell out of Goldeneye. Neither one is objectively better than the other, they’re just different.

I’m a big Perfect Dark fan.

no, I loved it too. I only wish I could play the remaster on PC

If you didn’t like it at the time, that’s fine. But GoldenEye has always been highly-revered and treated like 90s gaming royalty. There’s no revisionism going on. It’s not like the Speed Racer movie, where the initial critical reception was overwhelmingly negative but people talk today as if it’s this undisputed

Whats with all this Goldeneye bashing these days?

I won a couple college tournaments in Goldeneye back in the day. While I was doing that I was also playing CS 1.6. Yeah the aiming was a lot different but the better I was in CS the better I was in Goldeneye. The movement was very different too because of the auto aim in Goldeneye your movements had to be larger. Small

I mean, I was playing Q3A and UT on my PC at like > 80 FPS having a ton of fun in LAN battles and whatnot, and I still came back to Goldeneye.

I know people thought GoldenEye was a good game back in the day because they were in college and high and had never played a multiplayer FPS before because they were playing games on a N64 and not on a PC, but... GoldenEye kinda sucks.

Played a ton and loved Goldeneye and Perfect dark when I was a kid, but also played Doom, Quake, No One Lives forever, System Shock 2, Thief, Half life, and Deus Ex. Those n64 shooters are just different feeling, hard to explain but I think they are fun in a different way, and I still like playing them now. The only

Bottom line is this: I will pledge my allegiance to any FPS that gives me some semblance of a Laptop Gun. First come, first loved. 

What a terrible hot take. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were fantastic games. Their mission based structure still holds up great today. Most FPS these days just have you walk through the level from set piece to set piece. Boring.

Keep in mind that in those days, a computer capable of playing Jedi Knight, System Shock, MDK etc. was out of the price range for a lot of people, and Golden-eye really was their first experience of a good FPS. I think the fact that it was on a console was still fairly important and revolutionary for its time. I mean,

A ton of people didn’t have PC gaming back then. It was much easier for one person to have an N64 and four controllers versus 4 PCs they could play with either over a LAN or (lmao, good luck making sure no one needed to use the phone) over the internet. So was PC gaming better, even at that time? Sure. Was it

Goldeneye had some notable flaws that were a product of it’s time and were mostly related to tech limitations, but saying it kinda sucks is bullshit.