
For the record, *this* is what censoring free speech looks like.  Not losing 10% of your twitter followers because you made a bad joke.

ah, it’s region-locked. pretty much North America and Europe only.


Artyom would be proud of his creator.

Yeah, for the achievements to show up on xbox’s web site...I figure it’s pretty much happening (much to my delight).

I’ll honestly be surprised if it isn’t announced on Sunday. All those leaks throughout the year and now the achievement list shows up on the official xbox website?

But what about those goldeneye achievements!!!!!!!!

What few mechanics we have been able to spot look pretty fun, at least! Foregoing any expectations for now, but honestly, that “loop around and homing attack” bit looked like an embrace of systems-based mechanics and that’s a good move!
I just really really hope that the biomes/zones are differentiated more than a lot

Does this only include the two more recent Deus Ex games, or are we talking the entire IP catalogue? Cause I would love to see a competent remake of Deus Ex (2000) and Invisible Wars (2003). I’ve wanted to play both for some time now but they feel quite ancient in presentation and design. I would of course love to see

Not underperformed in reality, just compared to expectation. Squeenix wanted more than just break even profits, it wanted trans-media IP level money. It was doomed no matter how good it may have been.

I’m pretty sure everyone asked for this. If Embracer is willing to make a third game to close out the DX prequel trilogy, I’m all for it.

Immersive sims don’t have a large enough audience to justify AAA budgets. When a publisher makes a AAA game, they’re looking for 10+ million sales within 6-12 months. I don’t think any immersive sim has ever sold that much.

To Square Enix if a game doesn’t sell 10 million units it’s a failure. That’s why Square Enix only keeps making spin offs of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest even though they have a boat load of IP that they don’t even use.

I think the last one under performed quite a bit. So the big whigs just decided to cut losses and not invest anymore into it.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why they haven’t made more Deus Ex considering how much interest there is in cyberpunk (and conspiracy theories).

Yes please. Remaster all of the Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Thief and Legacy of Kain games please. Also, release the previously Xbox-exclusive TR: Underworld DLC on all platforms. Feel free to remake Blood Omen and Soul Reaver. Oh, don’t forget the Anachronox remaster/remake. Also, remaster the Fear Effect games and release

trailer manages to keep things SFW, the full game does not, so bear that in mind

In the pre-shader era, your choices for reflections or zone-portal effects like this are:

so it depends on how the mirrors are done, 99/100 times for older hardware the reflections were not actual reflections but an entire second room with an invisible wall separating them and code to flip the inputs in the right way so that the second character you are controlling moves the right way. this was done

Yeah, that's just all kinds of "I am an asshole and I don't care who knows it."