
Wanda’s fate reminds me of Daenerys Targaryen’s in the final season of Game of Thrones. Both stories depict power corrupting once-beloved female characters, who are then demonized and ultimately disposed of.

I mean, this critique would probably have a lot more merit in my opinion if MCU’s answer to Superman wasn’t a woman? With a multitude of diverse women heroes taking up residence in phase 4, (literally nicknamed M-SHE-U), I think this is an unfair observation. It’s just not true. It sounds to me like you just don’t

So what you’re saying is that if a villain is female it’s sexism, because you don’t like the character arc being given to the character. That’s a pretty terrible take that only works by you cherry picking two characters. After all, you can look at other female characters that gain power in both series that aren’t

Just avoid attracting the attention of the police and you should be okay.

There’s another line that matters. Earlier in ANH when Kenobi calls Vader “more machine now than man, twisted and evil”.

Please. Darth. Mr Vader is my father.

My favorite theory — and lordy begordy, it is a dumb one — is that at some point, Kenobi gets zapped into the future by some wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey Force BS involving the Worlds Between from the animated shows, possibly the timeframe of the Ahsoka series. He sees a world in which the Empire has fallen and the

If the interpretation of the line in ANH is held to what people have always assumed, it already didn’t make sense, long before this series was conceived.

Hear me out.

The most obvious explanation for the “continuity problem” is simply that Lucas had a totally different backstory and character bios in mind when he wrote The Star Wars back in 1974-75. Darth Vader was a dude named “Darth Vader,” the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vader, not Luke’s father. And he “left” Obi-Wan, by which he

Knowing what I know about Anakin now, I think he’s just being petty as fuck.

If that’s true it almost seems like “malicious compliance” to me. Maybe someone in the department wasn’t really okay with being ordered to forge evidence.

The 3 SIMS’s was funny, but the most laugh out loud moment of the supposed evidence was the note that was signed, in clear crisp handwriting, by someone called ‘Illegible Signature’.

i am not good enough

oh this rocks. no more work for me today.

two great tastes that taste great together.

I’m guessing the answer is that humans enjoy both Legos and Star Wars.

How quickly people forget that this has already been tried. EA put in-game ads into Battlefield 2142 back in 2006. It uhh... didn’t go over well.

Unlike many comments here, I am much more pessimistic. I cannot think of anything that was ever made better with ads. Ads will not keep gamepass low, or compensate for larger budgets for AAA games. Anyone who has a passing knowledge of history should know that it will just give excuses to get even larger and ask for

I dunno — considering how limiting guns actually are if you’d selectively apply a tad of realism, I could see it work out. There’s a reason bayonets were still popular at the time.

Also why not mention the audience score of 97% or specify that the 67% is the critic reviews?