
You gotta consider how people are watching it. They’re watching very compressed, low res videos on their phones, probably not even full screen. And most people don’t know what actual fighter jet combat looks like (myself included).

When it was originally available at a higher resolution, it becomes pretty obvious in the second half of the clip that it’s a game, everything is just a little too ‘still’ for it to be real. At this blurrier resolution, yeah, it’s very hard to tell!

I legit thought that was real footage.

... you ever get the feeling that “below expectations” involves the same kind of magical math that makes the most successful films of all time never be profitable, except for the fact that all the suits get all the money from them?

I think you need to read up more on fake Destiny science lol.

It’s a paracausal entity. When it moves the fabric of reality is bent to prevent it from being observed.

I never really thought of it as a function of vision but rather focused attention. I think, because that’s incredibly difficult to communicate on TV, it gets reduced down to “don’t blink”.

at this point, they better be, honestly.

I’m probably in the minority here but I have no desire for a new Mario Kart. 8 has been perfect so more courses is a dream to me.

They’re totally remastering Mother 3 to 3D like it was originally intended aren’t they?

GTFOH with that “isn’t really rich” bullshit. I have zero qualms with him spending his money how he wishes and don’t even think it’s necessarily contradictory to his stated ideals (tbh, I haven’t seen enough of him to judge one way or the other), but even having the ability to purchase a $3 million house and $200K car

The Star trilogy (Trek, Wars, Gate) is all awesome. I never understood why people felt the need to draw battle lines between them.

It’s also unfortunate that “it’s a trap!” leads you down the Star Trek path, rather than Star Wars.

I like the idea of some Star Wars superfans being unable to not answer the “It’s a ___” clue with “trap” and thinking that must mean that the correct answer to the other clue is “Star Trek.”

The original 3 star wars are better the most trek, however the Star Trek has gotten better with age, while Star Wars just keeps getting blander and blander, So in the end its a toss up.

These topics are always so weird because the comments are just full of people saying stuff like “oh just because he’s a socialist, he now has to actually live by his stated beliefs and not just become another rich person?!” Yes! We should absolutely criticize someone who uses claims to socialist beliefs to build a

After Remake 3. I kinda would like if they did Code Veronica instead of 4.

pictured: the AAA gaming industry in a few years.

Scrolled until I saw who it was, crossing my fingers all the while that it wasn’t Gilva. This blows.