
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke

I’d say Chaos Theory is still the best but Blacklist was great too. They really did a disservice to the game with how they revealed it at E3. They basically made it look like Call of Duty which immediately turned off most of the fanbase. Luckily, the final product was absolutely a viable stealth game. Combat was an

I haven’t played a Splinter Cell game in quite a while, but one scene from one of the earlier games really stuck hard with me over the years. There’s an early mission where you’re tailing an informant or something and she leads you to an elevator. You get in but she stays out and suddenly the doors close and your

I fucking love this game. I paid it no mind for a long time and then the reviews dropped. I could not resist the description of the gameplay loop (marketing did a shit job on this) and the art style. But it’s the writing that really hooked me. The characters are great. 

You’re in good company when your ratings are ugly.

It’s a derivative work with a specific aesthetic. Video games aren’t some rote progression from pixel-art to photo-realism.

Don’t do that Zack, don’t you give me hope!! Even if they just release it in Europe, the N64 app currently has the ability to choose from European releases in the settings here in the US… could they possibly be attempting a workaround for the rights? At least until the rights all gets figured out?

You know, if GoldenEye 007 was on the service at launch, I’m sure less people would have complained about the price tag. Alternatively, if every 1st-party Nintendo 64 game was available at launch with the promise of 3rd-party titles becoming available in the coming months, I think the $50 would’ve been an easier pill

youre really missing out cause the game drops that whole trope.about a quarter into the story. It actually turns  into Vice City Stories light as you pull off a lot of insane shit in the country side and really picks up when you get to San ferrio 

As long as nukes aren’t involved, tanks probably will be. Aircraft and drones can’t hold territory (only deny it to the enemy), you need ground vehicles and boots for that.

Tell that to the Iraqis.

Fun comic. Although it made me miss being randomly headbutted by my cat. RIP Boss.

I always love it when Awkward Zombie does their “this was my day” comics. They’re just a delightful read.

How do you fuck this game up so badly? One of the biggest IPs on Earth, anything Marvel, hell superheroes, still basically prints money, and this has been a colossal failure from day one. I mean, Anthem wasn’t as bad, Fallout 76 wasn’t as bad at this point, how did this happen?

Well obviously they had to take it down because we all know it should have been the other way around.

Reminds me of

I’m sorry that’s ridiculous. NSO is hardly worth the monthly fee right now as someone who doesn’t do a lot of online gaming. The NES/SNES stuff was cool but its pretty much the only thing you get besides online gaming with NSO. Now they are finally introducing new content (new meaning games that came out 25+ years

Wow so the sequel/reboot to the original Perfect Dark which took place in a violent, dystopian 2023 will be released circa a violent, dystopian 2023.

Esp. with online 4P coming for some if not all of these 4P-capable games. I totally get the why it’s not happening, but the idea of online GoldenEye with old friends who also have Switches...

Nobody wanted to publish Bayo2. Nintendo offered. There’s your answer.