
But will it have GoldenEye???

Sounds like it is also getting Dracula X.

It’s not gonna be waluigi.

When I had an N64, the only game I owned was Goldeneye and it’s the only game I need on NSO. If Nintendo gives me the gift murdering my friends in local co-op while drinking beer, like we did back in my early 20s, I will be eternally grateful.

*gives SEGA a beer, at least where that Blue Hedgehog is concerned*

This is where modern publishers are falling down — there are plenty of talented indies and hobbyists out there who could give these publishers a license to print money -- at no cost to the publisher -- just by selectively licensing their IPs to said indies and hobbyists. But they’re of the old “with an iron fist”

Odd choice of music for the trailer, for me it doesn’t mesh very well with the visual aesthetic, felt tonally out of place.

Oh my god I saw the picture before processing the headline and almost lost my mind.

Looks fun, but damn I just want some Advance Wars.

Toxic AND incredibly damning. Police investigators are trained to look for these kind of “over-reactions” when questionned. When they happen, they dig deeper, because very often you will find something fishy. Not always: that’s why you still need hard evidence. But it’s a useful heuristic when you have only so many

It’s interesting that Trackmania has what are essentially WAD files. It’s neat that something used to find DOOM cheaters 25 years ago is still used today for some games.

For some reason The Algorithm started recommending me speed run cheater videos on youtube and I was utterly enthralled despite not caring at all about speed runs. Something about huge scandals in small niche communities is my fetish I guess. Adding this one to the playlist!

I’ll stick with the classic

I’ve been wanting a new Blast Corps game.

Having Knuckles in the second movie is fine, but I’d want them to have the third movie just be called “Sonic 3 & Knuckles”

“I don’t want to have a kid because I don’t want to sentence the kid to a difficult life of misery” is a perfectly legitimate reason *not* to have a kid.

His work on MOHAA was amazing and I still listen to it every so often. He’s so talented and did these scores so brilliantly. 

Now playing

There’s a nice symmetry here since Oscar-winning composer Michael Giacchino (LOST, bunch of Pixar movies, etc) got his start composing video games, including the original Medal of Honor.

“For a hundred years, there’s been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people.... Number one: In 1945 corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: In 1900 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it’s about two percent.... It’s called consolidation.

Just got back into CSGO 6 years after taking a break, only played a handful of times in the years since. After a week of playing solidly, I have to say I’m absolutely done with the game. It has been so toxic and infested with suspect players, some subtle, others not so much.