JPP's Club Association

The backlash to the (mostly straw men) Pats fans is faaaaar worse than anything Pats fans do.

Did you ever stop to consider your role in this cycle? Pats win, team and fans get derided, increasing the fans’ vitriol, so when the team wins again, the fans are even worse, so you deride them some more, so when the team wins again...

+900 for overtime, Pats by 3, MVP thanks the fans first, I’m happy for the Patriots this morning.

So enjoy your fifth championship, you shitty-ass bandwagon Pats fans.

Hi, I read a lot of Deadspin stuff. I’ve had to endure a lot of sour puss New York trash people complain about Boston, the Patriots (and plenty of other people and things). I don’t really care, because most of it is funny and in good jest. But god damn I love the hate seething from your trash pile of a city and

So this article title should really read “Patriots Fans”? I guess both are valid, but I feel like it is more directed at the fans than the team.

In a place that none of us like but all of us have, way down in the cockles of our hearts, maybe below the cockles, maybe in the sub-cockle, some of us secretly enjoy Goliath stomping on David’s heart. It reminds us that there’s a natural order to things. When up is down and down is up, sports can be there to remind

Do you know why I remain a Patriots fan Drew? Because of my father. I lived in Maine my entire childhood and teenage years. I remember the shit years, the years where Velcro on the gloves wouldn’t have helped the receivers make catches. For years we were the butts of the NFL. Then suddenly Mo Lewis knocks out Bledsoe

Pats “got caught cheating” the same way Hillary “got caught” murdering diplomats in Benghazi. That’s why we call it Ballghazi.

So, if one person asked you, you were going to start shooting? Because chowder doesn’t really come in a bucket, and nobody from NE would ever eat shitty Houston chowder.

Counterpoint: The anti-Patriots whining and celebrating, especially last night on Twitter when the Falcons were winning, is more annoying. I don’t know many Boston sports fans, but I do know a lot of people who are really salty that some other team wins a lot (and I’m an Eagles fan, so you know I’d do unspeakable

I don’t get this hatred.

I’m happy for all the Pats fans I personally know, I have no clue why there is all this hatred for Pats? Ben Rothlisberger is a serial rapist and he and the Steelers are heros, Tom Brady likes Trump and goofy fitness routines and he and the Pats are the bad guys? I think evryone is just bitter that the Pats seem to be

People like you and your fellow bloggers turn plenty of people into Pats fans, I assure you. Keep equating an entire football team full of many different people from different backgrounds with different political beliefs with Donald Trump.

Actors are right, being the villain is way more fun.

All your tears makes us grow Boston Strong!*

*(Ugh, even I feel bad about that one. Sorry)

I love delicious tears in the morning. It tastes like victory.

Deadspin in general isn’t journalism, no matter how much they think so.

He’ll just be mocked. Probably.

The NFL took it to the courts. Come on.