JPP's Club Association

Mr. President, I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.

As the entitled millennial in Cleveland sulks and blames everybody else for his problems.

I just can’t tell if the word “literally” is being used correctly here or not.

being able to hit from the logo is apparently a transgenerational thing.

Drew, my man, don’t become “Old Man Yells at Cloud.”

1) Lots of young people watch The Bachelor
2) The only fucking young people you know are sports writers.
3) Therefore, the young people you know watch The Bachelor.

Drew, my man, don’t become “Old Man Yells at Cloud.”

This was always OBL’s stated intentions. He was never going to win a physical war. He didn’t have the armament or the people. He knew that. So he set out to completely disrupt our way of life and have us make choices based on fear rather than intelligence.

Never let terrorists change who you are.

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be in a country when a dictator took over? What would be the first sign that things had shifted from democracy and rule of law to a dictatorship?

Yes, he publicly supported him 16 months ago. Now it’s clear he’s trying to distance himself, because he’s a football player and not a social activist.

I’m more fed up with the media hounding Brady about Trump than I am that he loves Trump.

Yet you demand Brady “spew” his because you want to criticize him.

Tom Brady doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. You’re a big boy too!

Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).

It’s plenty liberal, you’re just living out in the sticks with the rubes and yokels.

“...Oh, this would have been a much better excuse.”

If you put a 15-round-a-year guy on the course at Oakmont he would be thrilled to shoot a 180.

Participation trophies aren’t for the kids. The kids know they’re bullshit. The trophies are for the parents who won’t admit their kid sucks at something.

This is the perfect chance for me to show off how baseball teams have overlooked RBIs and Pitching Wins.

Unlikeable because horribly stupid conspiracies are currency on the right? And don’t go telling me Bernie would have wooed all those birthers. You telling me a socialist Jew from the northeast would have resonated with the “ECONOMICALLY ANXIOUS” folk?