JPP's Club Association

Because he wouldn’t admit to something that wasn’t true.

Goodell offered to reduce to one game IF Brady apologized and admitted fault. Brady was all “fuck you, I didn’t do it.” So, if he really did nothing wrong, he got totally fucked.

I’m beginning to think that Janet Reno, the FBI, and the ATF set siege to the wrong religious complex in Waco.

Jackson — I’m not going to argue on the internet about basic science. If you’re not going to believe that footballs deflate naturally in cold weather then no amount of comments section shouting is going to convince you (except one minor point; we saw this yet again this year when the Steelers footballs were measured

Lmao, you’re dumb as fuck

But at that point he hadn’t been suspended and a draft pick hadn’t been taken away; it wasn’t clear that any punishment was going to happen.

So you’re saying it was dumb as hell, and as a result of this dumb as hell thing, the Pats lost a first round draft pick and their QB was suspended. But our extended response to that is awful. So what should we have done instead, Spooky Ghost?

Ironically the side that says DeflateGate was bullshit is also the side that has science and facts on their side, unlike our leaders’ politician of choice when he says anything.

You are so pissed the Pats are in the Super Bowl. People like you are the reason why I always root for the Pats in the Super Bowl, despite never being a Pats fan

Please note that the officials did check some of the Indy footballs (3 of 4 were below standard) then quit testing ....... ummmm ....... because it might invalidate/repudiate/fuckup their railroading.

If you believe in science then yes. If you are an irrational Pats hater then no.

“Something outside woke me up around 5:30 am”

My fellow commenters never star my shit. It isn’t because it isn’t funny, it’s because you all are a bunch of bad teammates. I’ve gone to management repeatedly about this and they kept saying who are you? And please stop talking to us. Magary just sent me a link to his book and HamNo just yelled unions repeatedly. It

“No disrespect to DeAndre and to Kay, but they fucking suck. I’ve tried everything too: scowling at them, ignoring them, dismissively staring at them while I pass to anyone else, calling them soft, grinding their toes under my boot. They just aren’t motivated by my positive leadership skills, Brian.”

Ah, the old “Boston is racist” trope. Try harder. Anyhow, if the Preds traded Subban to the Bruins right now, not a fucking word would get said.

She just lost the biggest election of our lifetime in devastating fashion? She’s no longer a member of the federal government, which Bernie is?

It’d be nice if we could all come together against fascism. But I doubt that happens.

A man who campaigned on the premise of destroying The Affordable Care Act won the presidency and you think the issue was that Democrats weren’t far enough left? Think.

Wisconsin? Wisconsin elected Scott Walker, managed to get a recall, and elected him again. It has also presented us with Paul Ryan. Wisconsin is the Texas of the north.

He’s just like his boss: can’t win an election, but can get rich giving revolting speeches afterwards.