
Does that say more about his salary or the state of journalism?

From Peter Pan’s or Dough?

Over/under the paper gets more complaints about Fuck than the FCC received for Katie Perry's halftime/soft-core porn show?

Dog barf is all well and good, but I've got something far more important to ask. Barry, do you ride the Metro North Hudson line every morning? And if so, do you usually look extremely angry? If you've answered "yes" to both of these, congrats! We're train buddies!

If the answer is "no," I probably should stop intently

Thanks for clarifying! I gave it the ol' college try with the Afrikaans guess. Totally agree a phone isn't worth risking your life over.

All things considered, this might be one of the chillest muggings in history. The bad guys went about their business pretty calmly and politely...

Meh, he'll survive off the impending endorsement deals. I've heard Big Tetanus is looking for the new face of lockjaw.


Any recommendations for a password vault?

"The relationship between the media and the athletes they cover is often framed in war metaphors. That's apt."

"'s only a matter of time until you somebody makes you bad."

JPP doesn't play for the Raiders. I assume you meant to say Tuck?