Dr. Tobias Funke (Analrapist)

I suppose they could make a new tier of PS Plus to include now for an extra 10 bucks a year or something.

At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.

Works pretty well as a remote play option for your PS4 if you have it wired. I actually have my PS4 in the basement with my router and used the powerline adapters to wire my network to my upstairs bedroom. Plugged it right into the PSTV and it works like a charm without having to move my PS4 upstairs all the time.

Works pretty well as a remote play option for your PS4 if you have it wired. I actually have my PS4 in the basement

While I give roughly zero fucks who wins this award, a rich and famous person doing whatever the fuck they want doesn’t strike me as all that courageous. Plus the cynic in me can’t help notice the fact that the whole production was rolled into that god awful reality show for which they’re all paid ridiculously. Find

Disagreeing adn feeling uncomfortable about someone’s life choices is not transphobia. Stop trying to make any type of criticism into transphobia just because you want to be his cheerleader. We are not obligated to like this, support this, feel comfortable with this or condone this in any way shape or form. Not doing

Wow. Just started following Deadspin, b/c BR is so vapid. The writing is pretty good, but Jesus Christ. Is this site supposed to be like the Huffington Post with a sports angle or what? The liberal agenda here would make Yahoo news blush. First I thought, OK, maybe it was just one or two writers, but it seems to be

Why is it ‘transphobia’ if you don’t think there’s anything particularly ‘brave’ in doing something that literally 100% of the mainstream media and pop culture establishment are tripping over themselves to congratulate you for? These people are basically in a competition with each other to see who can get their tongue

Sepp Blatter resigns as President of an organization too corrupt to have voted them out when they had the chance like a day ago.

I really like the beginning of the video where he complains about not getting an advanced warning of his arrest and the charges against him. It’s like he’s used to living in an entirely different legal system in which crimes are negotiated away with money before charges are ever pressed. That part alone convinces me

can’t wait to see the long read on bill clinton and his predatory past. he’s a serial abuser of women. a proven adulterer (which he lied about), an accused rapist and molester (by multiple women), and a man who agreed to an $850,000 settlement for sexually harassing paula jones. i’m looking forward to seeing the

No gamepad support. I’m not interested. After playing Diablo 3 on Ps4, I can’t go back to.....

click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click, click, click,click, click, click,

Mouton also tells a similar story of when he sacked Tom Brady, and Brady told him he would, “Knock the wind out of him.”

Perfect game seven. I watched it and my heart wouldn’t stop pounding until about 1am, at which point I finally got to bed. Early in OT it looked like the Caps would win it, and a crazy rebound (Holtby hardly allowed any all game) nailed the coffin.

I pissed and moaned for weeks when an ex-girlfriend years ago insisted she wanted to see John Mayer in concert for her birthday present. I took her, and was blown away by how he is probably one of the best guitar players I have ever seen live. He also barely played any of the saccharine puss-rock he puts on his

JM is a fantastic blues guitarist and you’re doing yourself a disservice if you only judge him by the crappy pop music he puts out to finance his pet projects. I get serious SRV vibes from him when he goes all bluesy.

more like roger badell.

I write this after the NYT news has broken, but IMO the guy wants a lot of money and total freedom. Going it alone would provide only the latter. Taking it independent makes a certain amount of sense—his buddy Adam Carolla makes a good amount on his own—but Simmons has never been into the everyday grind. Or, if he

Right, because having your own “retirement tour” isn’t self-aggrandizing.

There is absolutely NO , ZERO, NADA reasons to leave a child unattended in a car. If a person does this, they are idiots and should be charged with child endangerment.

You have to remember that these commandments were given roughly 1450 years before Jesus and 1900 years before anything remotely like the Roman Catholic church existed. (And you might want to factor in that the Bible itself specifically says not to call religious leaders "father.")