J.P. McPickleshitter

It’s funny, all this talk of engagement and listening to each other is really a one-way street. When’s the last time you met a trumpling who responded to a fact or an argument with anything other than “FAKE NEWS!” ? When’s the last time a trumpling made an argument for his policies that was based on fact rather than

I can’t explain the relative silence of so many, except it may be for the same reason that so many were silent about Weinstein: fear of reprisals, of lawsuits, of damage to careers, of lengthy court battles. In Bynes’s case, given her fragile mental health, she may not have wanted to speak out. Or perhaps it was the

The biggest issue I see with trump supporters (and the new group of kinja commentors) is that it almost seems like they have to make it look like THEY are being oppressed all because people dont want to interect with some people bullshit. Judging by her kimmel appearances she has the same issue with “differeing

Yeah, this guy gives underage foot fetishists who solicit pics on Twitter a bad name.

Boy I’d have to dig for it. There was a twitter thread that had several postings from people who had been on set with Schneider and had some pretty icky stories. One girl who was an extra talked about being offered $100 to have her feet tickled. Also he’s been the subject of numerous blinds over at Crazy Days and

That list of tweets reminds me of the tickling teacher from Mindhunter except with all the subtlety carved away.

A long time coming. There have been rumors about this guy in the industry for YEARS. That he was the cause of Amanda Bynes’s spiral into drug abuse and mental illness. That he abused Jamie Lynn Spears and may even have fathered her child. The guy is bad, bad news, and from what I’ve learned in the industry over the

How are their voices being silenced? No one is owed a tv show. No one is owed a successful tv show.

In what way is her voice being silenced? Whatever the subject is, if you’re someone who’s outspoken about a topic you have to be able to handle others using their own voices to call you on it.

You know they still act in other things, right?

While I agree with your general point that it’s not worth getting into a rage paroxysm over new episodes of Roseanne, I think if Roseanne the actor is going to be so open with her love of something as odious as Trumpism then people can very publicly rebuke her by saying they’re not giving her show the time of day

yeah this looks like a hoot. ( /s cause internet )

As if the level of sophistication even matters. It’s like being snobby about high-quality lard. Lard is great, but it’s still just lard.

John Goodman has done hundreds of wonderful projects without Roseanne, and as soon as I manage to successfully download his brain into this robot gorilla he’ll make hundreds more.

Goodman and Metcalf could and have done way better.

Roseanne can go to hell.

Oh man I sure hope these sexy librarian types that no one has ever seen do that thing where they take their glasses off and put one of the temples in their mouths suggestively. Wait, am I first person to think of that? Jesus I’m gonna be rich!

Is there any nostalgia from 2020 0r 2025 or did pop culture magically stop in 2017?

I know, right? I couldn’t look away from Dohring’s neck in that whole scene. It was like WTF dude, eat some carbs

so many logistical questions