This year’s acting Oscars are the most predictable I can recall in a long time.
This year’s acting Oscars are the most predictable I can recall in a long time.
Because Kennedy already won with a male character, so once that’s happened it’s hard to continue to make the argument that doing a male character is either disallowed or will hamper one’s chances. It just means you better fucking BRING IT if you’re coming in male drag, and DeLa done BROUGHT IT.
Her “if it was the old me” bullshit had me rolling my eyes so hard. I hate when people pull that. If you want to threaten someone then fucking do it, don’t hide behind your fakeass new persona. She reminds me of someone I know IRL who thinks he’s a conniving game-player but is actually dumber than a box of wigs.
They aren’t allowed to do copyrighted characters. They get around that by stating they are doing the actress, yet actually playing the character. E.g. Bob doing ”Uzo” when she was clearly doing Suzanne/CrazyEyes.
I calls ‘em as I sees ‘em. I had a lot of harsh words for Milk too, but I’m guessing you don’t care about that.
Everything Shangela is doing outside of her drag (which remains fabulous) is so obnoxiously obvious. It’s like she has a checklist of reality TV plot points that she feels determined to finish.
I’m liking Shangela’s metagame narration though I’m seriously tired of all the Game of Thrones talk. It’s as empty and banal as Harry Potter analogies (THERE ARE OTHER BOOKS TO READ THAN THESE). I’m also one who narrates their actions when I play board games, so I’m all for people discussing their strategy and their…
‘Trixie owes her a debt’
Paul Lynde was an excellent choice and I think for me BenDeLa was more impressive because it was SO different from her Maggie Smith impression.
I do not understand this (very common) argument that since Shangela makes ‘great’ TV, she should get a free pass on being a dumb asshole. As for the challenges, she wouldn’t have won either of them if it hadn’t been a Lip-Sync for Your Legacy situation. DeLa was better than her in the Diva number (and had less of her…
OH MY GOD THE RAJA AND MANILA THING. Walking down the runway, it’s Miss Revisionist History!
Shangela is playing four dimensional chess against NOBODY.
I love when people come onto comments sections to mansplain (for lack of a better term) the inconsistencies in some stupid old saying.
I agree. This episode was incredibly formulaic. Anyone who's ever seen a sitcom would know immediately after the setup that: a) they will lose the beanie baby, b) Alice won't be horribly disfigured, and c) they'll end up spending most of the Alice fund. There were few laughs in getting to these obvious destinations.…
I don't know…I thought Abbi blurting out "I PEGGED!" as she greeted Hillary was pushing the envelope a tad.
To continue the nitpicky rant . . . Have the writers ever been to a bowling alley, or at least seen The Big Lebowski? The guy yelled at them when they entered the bowling alley without bowling shoes - and charged $25 to rent shoes?! Crazy. (For those uninformed in the custom and practice of their local bowling alley, …
Well, she did speak it with a Yiddish accent.
Yes. Agreed. I think a B- is far more fair. The plotline felt like a warmed over leftover from the "Curb" writer's room. Tony Danza seemed about as stagey and self-congratulating for his own coolness in appearing on the show as Hillary Clinton did. The episode had a few decent chuckles but it mostly limped along.
Favorite Ilana hyper-feminist line of the season so far:
Tony effin Danza…at this point is there any celebrity (short of Cosby) that this show cannot redeem?!? Kanye, Shia, Tiger get on yer knees and beg for the image emollient that is a Broad City guest spot!