J.P. McPickleshitter

Kate Hudson is insufferable. INSUFFERABLE.

As someone who has tried WW in the past and just started back up again three weeks ago I’m going to quibble with you a bit. I think that WW is what you make it. We can talk about “what WW stands for” but how a person chooses to use the service is entirely their choice. The idea of wellness is subjective. Why isn’t

If everyone does not enjoy the same processes of wellness as Hudson, why would they partake in WW (which CEO and President Mindy Grossman recently referred to as “the global leader in weight management”) to lead healthier lives? I struggle to accept that losing weight isn’t at the heart of WW when dieting has been at

I guess if you want to boil it down there were 2 timelines but there were multiple examples of moving farther back or forward in those timelines as well there was:

Will Dolores’ dialogue consist of nothing but vague apocalyptic statements? Cuz that shit never gets old.

I think they blew it by going ahead and having the “Robot Awakening” at the end of S. 1, followed by S. 2 mostly dealing with the aftermath. They should have drawn that out a bit longer, maybe done more about the park unraveling in ways subtle and not so subtle. They should have also probably introduced a character

Westworld Season 2 was one of the most frustrating TV watching experiences I can remember. The “here’s what REALLY happened” method of storytelling has got to go. I want to like this show so bad.

Hopefully the radical shift is better storytelling than season 2

25-30% increase to the US suicide rate since 2016. You don’t believe there is a connection between that and the toxic environment the current regime has created?

I wouldn’t be shocked if there turned out to be a connection between Trump and an increase in suicides (he has certainly exacerbated my own mental illnesses), but your comment is still rather glib and insensitive seeing as we don’t know the reasons that caused Anthony Bourdain to sadly take his own life.

“When you do this journalism, make sure you do good journalism. You can save your standard sloppy, poorly-sourced, pandering journalism for out-of-house matters.”

In the first season Ford remarks that the early versions of the hosts repeated themselves (as Dolores does with Arnold at the same time as the open scene with Logan), broke down easily, and could be detected with “a simple handshake.”

So what version of the hosts are we seeing at the party at the opening of the

Unfortunately, because there isn’t, she is the painful parasitic infestation that’s lingering for years.

As long as she doesn’t come back.

She, sir, has the boorish manners of a Dartmouthian!

Short of a Kansas farmhouse landing on her, this is the next best thing.

Tyra Sanchez sucks, though, and her having a crown is baffling almost a decade later.

I don’t know if we’ll ever get a better villain than Pheef. The fact that she came back on a redemption tour and only managed to secure her crown as Top Bitch is delightful.

I appreciate Vixen’s shit-stirring (and I suppose I should be loyal to a Chicago queen), but her runway “fire” look was pretty simple, and I don’t remember her much from the musical.

Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.