J.P. McPickleshitter

These egomaniacal, entitled celebrities are not representative of men in general. They got to the top by being the type of people who don’t take no for an answer, and assuming that they’re worthy of whatever their heart desires.

True, but there are a gazillion asshole interviewers out there with way too much confidence. How he, in particular, got to such a high place is something of a mystery to me.

Who’s had their career washed away by a single allegation?

I don’t think we were supposed to view the testimonies against the Seinfeld characters as being 100% accurate. Elaine never tried to kill Mr. Pitt, for one thing.

He’s a black man living in America, so I guarantee you he knows bigotry pretty well.

His marriage and his kids have been a major part of his character ever since they came into the picture. There have been plenty of Simpsons plotlines that only mattered in the episode where they happened, but his family has appeared many times.

I love Bamford and this show, but I found this finale very unsatisfying.

I really don’t see how this was a “superb” season of television.

Ashley Judd said that she loves Harvey Weinstein despite what he did.

I found this season to be a big disappointment.

Paul’s politics suck, but he isn’t close to being as monstrously awful as Becca. He’s never even been close to that level of worst-ness.

Jay’s version of the Thanksgiving story was kind of funny, but it was also genuinely disturbing that he actually believes that stuff.

She could have at least offered to look for it.

Charlotte was awful. She was so determined to live out her high school fantasy that she didn’t mind taking advantage of someone who was truly out of it.

Kate is a fairly self-centered person - she and Kevin have a lot in common in that regard.

I enjoy the present scenes a lot, and I wish the season had focused more on them.

I absolutely love this show.

According to the report, 58% of the queer characters on network TV are white. Considering that about 70% of the US is white, the thing about “white male characters” in the headline sounds pretty misleading.

I thought Boone came across like a moron in this episode. “I want my daughter and my girlfriend to get along. I know, let’s have them compete, then I’ll pick the winner!”

Meaning he’d left that car parked on the street for all that time? (It would take a while for a car to get that dusty.) That’s harder to believe.