J.P. McPickleshitter

So he understands that a lot of Japanese cars are manufactured in the US, and he nonetheless suggested that they “try” building their cars in the US instead of shipping them over?

Right, but it seems unlike that he’d let the car get that dirty in the first place, to the point that someone could write “wash me” on it.

This was awful. I give it an F at best.

His monologue on Sports Night about the confederate flag needs to be shared far and wide.

None of those storylines seemed especially misogynist. If comedies can’t feature infidelity or prostitutes anymore, let’s just shut down the genre altogether.

So Funkhauser’s trans son has to be setting up a future plotline, right? If not, then it seems like the character was inserted into the episode just for Larry’s corny (and not particularly funny) questions about genital surgery.

I was completely grossed out, but it was so funny that I didn’t even care.

So the whole purpose of the movie is to slut-shame an 18-year-old girl who just wanted to lose her virginity to the guy she likes?

I’m not sure how I feel about going on Twitter to tell Twitter that you don’t care what Twitter thinks.

Do you know people with gay parents who sent their kids to conversion therapy? That’s quite a bit different than just going from open-minded to bible-thumper.

Sorry, I can’t buy for a second that Elliot would ever send his kid to conversion therapy.

Gretchen seemed like she was saying whatever it took to make Lindsay feel better. I don’t think we were supposed to take it as the actual truth.

I loved Pepper’s contemptuous comment about how Lily is “such a delight.”

He’s supposed to be in his mid-to-late twenties. They established that his character has some disorder that prematurely aged him (I think it came from eating too many Sweet Tarts as a kid or something like that.)

Weinstein, Price and David O. Russell. If that project had actually gone through, I would have the utmost sympathy for anyone involved with it.

Other than whining too much about chicken pox, what did he do in this episode that was so terrible?

“Which I found an awful “twist” but regardless, they have barely bothered to endear her to the audience or even SHOW her (the brief pep talk scene when Kev went back to The Manny is the only exception I can think of) hasn’t done her character any favours. She’s usually on the phone.”

“Which I found an awful “twist” but regardless, they have barely bothered to endear her to the audience or even SHOW her (the brief pep talk scene when Kev went back to The Manny is the only exception I can think of) hasn’t done her character any favours. She’s usually on the phone.”

It seems like the series is presenting it as fact. At least once, we’ve seen a molestation flashback that didn’t appear in the context of “this is what the character claimed happened.”

It’s not unusual to sue someone for cancelling a wedding. The idea is that you had an agreement to go through with it, and your fiancee spent X amount of money on it, and then you violated your agreement.