J.P. McPickleshitter

I thought the interactions between Larry and the judge were classic curb at its best. I loved that he was truly enjoying his time in the well, despite everyone else knowing it was a disaster. And I liked that it didn’t end with him in jail for contempt of court. It felt like the way things might actually play out in

I think the idea was that Elizabeth Banks wasn’t all there - and that she was so taken with the fatwa thing that any little thing Larry did would impress with how “dangerous” it was.

Was the look of “Let’s Generalize About Men” based on a specific music video or movie? I get the whole ‘80s vibe, but it all seemed very specific (especially the beauty parlor aspect.)

I actually loved his English accent.

Yeah, there was very little of Josh’s judginess in the episode - the one who was behaving badly was Darryl. It was very strange how the writers seemed to think that Josh was the one who needed to learn a lesson here.

To what end? To show that Gretchen is hopelessly stunted. We knew she was reluctant to grow up, but I don’t think any of us expected she’d go that far.

You don’t think there’s anything to suggest that Kevin has an addictive personality? Addiction runs in his family, he’s impulsive as hell, he felt unloved and ignored growing up, and he buries his feelings. That’s a classic recipe for addiction.

Would Abramson really have used the term “reality TV” back when this took place? Did anyone use that expression?

Mark Hamill in Star Wars didn’t have 1/2 of Gadot’s presence.

You don’t need to be a parent to understand that when a 35-year-old man is sexually involved with your 16-year-old daughter, you should do something about it, instead of just waiting for her to decide that she’s through with him.

No, because Mindy genuinely wanted to help others when she came up with her plan, and Tahani never actually gave a crap about anyone else.

A lot of people have assumed that negative points = bad place and positive points = good place.

There were a few gay kisses on the show, but it sure took them a long time to get there.

Saying she died, or was deported, would be way too dark for this show.

She’s about 20 times more entertaining than they are.

I can’t imagine thinking that none of Jason’s dumbness is funny.

“Forget the stereotypes about love-starved single (or divorced mothers)—Sam has been doing just fine on her own, as both she and Rich remark. Doing not particularly fulfilling voicework day in, day out? No sweat. Raising three kids singlehandedly while abstaining from throwing your ex, who’s made to look all the more

He made a dumb move by getting back together with someone who treated him in an evil way. But that doesn’t excuse her evil behavior. That’s blaming the victim.

Extremely lovable? Is that a joke?

If it’s supposed to be part of the joke, it isn’t working.