J.P. McPickleshitter

I wouldn’t say I hated this episode, but I’d say it was easily one of the weakest the show has done.

“Back in season 1, the actors said that Mitch and Cam were popular with kids because they were basically Bert and Ernie. And apparently, since then, the writers have run with that dynamic. That’s why they seem like two roommates who sort of hate each other. It’s not homophobia- it’s bad writing.”

The Blade Runner premiere was not going to take place in Vegas. It was going to take place at the Dolby Theater in LA.

Also, despite its Oscars, The Revenant was really, really not a good film.

I wouldn’t assume that the fire happened shortly after Rebecca begged Jack to come home. When she brought him home, the registration tag on their vehicle said ‘96, and when she was driving alone, it said ‘98.

Why would they go back to showing her at the motel if it was real?

There were definitely a lot of people who tried to justify Don’s bullshit. But I think most people who watched the show understood that he was an asshole, at least to a certain extent.

Joan was an awesome businesswoman, to be sure - but a lot of people were very quick to overlook her many flaws as a person.

I thought Sam’s behavior toward that guy in the beginning was awful.

The thing that irritated me the most about the end of P&R was that the show was intended as something of a love letter to people involved in local government.

I would say Tahani probably did a lot of things to lose points. It’s not just that her good deeds came from an insincere place - she also treats other people obnoxiously left and right.

The guy who played Jason’s “soulmate” basically gave a masterclass on how to seem pompous and irritating without saying a word.

Using the term “fanny pack” when I spent a semester of college in London definitely got me some interesting looks.

Lindsay is hilarious, but I don’t think I could handle her as a main character.

You get that he was negging Lindsay to a certain extent, right? The “Sure, you regularly get outwitted by dogs” part was absolutely using her insecurities to his advantage.

If you’ve been mistaken for a monk, and you don’t want anyone to figure out you’re a different person, talking and acting like Jason would be a pretty dead giveaway.

Oh, I’d say Jason can definitely be tortured. Having to be silent, and exercise self-denial in a world full of instant gratification would be an extreme form of torture for an unfiltered, hedonistic douchebro.

Wow, that’s...really similar.

I’ve never had any faith that Diane and Mr. Peanut Butter could make their relationship work in the log run. It doesn’t make much sense to me that she’d marry him in the first place.

I think The Telescope is a good intro to the show, and it isn’t particularly spoilery.