J.P. McPickleshitter

I’ve never seen anyone use this show to “validate” suicidal feelings.

Yeah, I have to disagree with the line in the review about how it would be difficult to find a bigger monster on TV than Joseph Sugarman. Joseph was absolutely a dick, but he was mostly just a man of his time, who would have been told by experts that a lobotomy was the best thing he could do for his wife.

It feels weird to watch an episode of television thinking, “I’ll be really disappointed if this doesn’t crush my soul” - but knowing that this was episode 11, I was definitely thinking it.

According to the internet, she thanked her mother for showing her that she can be kind and a fucking badass at the same time.

He didn’t have the option of submitting in a different category. You’re not eligible for the guest category if you were in more than half of the season’s episodes, and he was in far more than half.

I would imagine he’s considered the first actor of Middle Eastern descent to win that category.

Todd was initially open to the idea. If he’d been against it in the beginning, PC would have just found someone else.

For those of us who didn’t watch HIMYM, can you explain how that episode went?

Princess Carolyn doesn’t “have” to work either. She was planning to quit her job last season and travel the world with Ralph, but then she took the manager job because it appealed to her.

I wouldn’t say she tried to “force” Todd to marry Courtney Portnoy. She offered him the opportunity (which a lot of people would have jumped at), and then when he declined, she took no for an answer.

Kristen Schaal was nominated for this year’s Emmys, for Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance. She lost to Seth MacFarlane, for Family Guy, in what was obviously a travesty.

The characters in Santa Clarita Diet actually refer to a terrible comic book series called Mombie, which is also about a soccer mom/zombie.

Was she implying that Arturo was molested by an older woman when he was 14? If not, that was a strange way to phrase it.

I don't know, when the symptoms are obvious enough, we might as well acknowledge them.

Saying that he "hurt people's feelings" is putting it extremely mildly, and you must know that.

Neither character is an author.

I honestly doubt she would have been anything special in the La La Land role. And that would have diminished the film a lot.

Norman Lear is even older and even woker.

Norman Lear is even older and even woker.

Louie CK is one of the funniest stand-ups around, but Louie is rarely, if ever, laugh-out-loud funny (by design).