My favorite Christmas movies are:
My favorite Christmas movies are:
Here's hoping that this holiday season truly provides a miracle for your father! I'll keep him in my prayers!
+1... Robusto68 FTW!
I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion of disabling the extensions! It did the trick... in fact, I'm replying to use using Google Chrome!
No but thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that and see if it makes a difference!
I guess it depends on the legs... I mean, if the lady in question has a great tan, and has a great set of gams, then. I prefer nothing at all, and if she has really long legs, a nice set of high heels (I'm not talking hooker heels either), would definitely improve the view!
I'm glad you asked this question, because I was wondering the same thing. I, too pay monthly for Hulu Plus. It was my understanding that by upgrading to Hulu Plus, there were supposed to be less commercial interruptions than with the free version.
@Leslie Horn
I wholeheartedly agree... your average DIYer doesn't have a drill press or a welding machine laying around in their garage.
And this is why I run a RAID 0 array with 2 drives! The chances of both drives failing at the same time are slim, so if one goes down, I simply swap it out and voilĂ ... I'm good to go! Plus I run a full backup and create a system image on a weekly basis!
Okay... here's a stupid question: what exactly does "S.H.I.E.L.D." stand for?
I second that emotion!
I happen to be one of those that you consider not a "real beer drinker" and quite frankly, I don't give a good god damn for your opinion! Taste is subjective... what's good to you may not be good to me, and vice versa! If I had to guess, I'd say you're a snob... more specifically, a "beer snob."
I drink my beer at room temperature!
I say... if you want to know what the weather is... GET THE FUCK OFF THE COUCH AND GO OUTSIDE!
What's wrong with good old Windows Backup & Restore on Windows 7? It'll do a backup and create a system image that you can schedule using the built-in Task Scheduler. This is what I do, and I've had to actually restore one time and everything went like clockwork! I was back up and running in under an hour!
"Remember those old movies where guys would sneak off to listen to football games with an earbud and an FM radio?"
The government may have seized the domain "", but they most definitely did not put them out of business! This site now operates under the name "" and I'm still playing there!