
Nope. Nope.

You knew rivers was going to have the ball going for the win with less than 5 minutes to play, since that is what happens in basically every single chargers game.

For six weeks I’ve been saying that this was the only game they could have a chance to win since the Chargers are shit.

This is doubly surprising. It being Cleveland, I fully expected rivers to be on fire.

Called it.

I’m sure LA is absolutely giddy over the prospect of the Chargers coming to town.

Count on the Chargers to massively disappoint. No wonder San Diego is kicking them out.

Nah Spanos had it coming to him.

I said all last week that if a team is capable of losing to the Browns it is the Chargers and I’m a San Diego fan.

Wait a second, wait a second...
Spanos wanted San Diego to pay for them to stay in San Diego?
Oh, I get why they won’t pay now.

Then the plans went to idiots Luke and Han . Who got medals for their bumbling drunkenly through life.


I think the real question is why the hell wouldn’t you want to?

1425 Washington Ave. in Waco?

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.

FACT...rally lights make every car better.

Please tell me she cosplayed as Mei.