
I used to love every second of this show pre-Shaq. Nowadays, it’s just desperately hoping he isn’t going to talk so we can enjoy the analysis and banter of the three who are actually interesting.


I’m done with these takes where bloggers rant about owners avoiding the tax - you want to stop salary dumps? Advocate for abolishing the cap! But until then, it’s a business, and is nonsensical to say every owner has to pay millions in unnecessary expenses for no apparent reason. If you want to believe in something,

Not quite sure you’ve got the idea of the First Amendment quite right...

This is so ridiculously circular. They set the schedules based on who they think does the best job. So your argument is “they should change the schedule from who they think is best in order to equalize the pay disparity.” Maybe they aren’t accurate in their talent evaluations, but yours is not the right way to think

How are number of slams relevant? So let’s say Pete Sampras wanted to start commentating - would he be paid more than McEnroe instantly because he has more slams? Clearly that’s a logical fallacy. Pay should be based in large part on the experience at the job you’re doing - you know that thing that McEnroe has

Ok, no. There’s gender pay gap, then there’s paying for experience. McEnroe has commented for the BBC at Wimbledon for years. Surely it’s not unreasonable for him to earn more comparatively than someone with less experience? If they both had the same number of years under their belts, that’s obviously messed up, but

I’m sorry, the guy making the moronic argument is the one who didn’t use ad hominem attacks as a way to try to “win”?

So I do think Colin Kaepernick deserves another shot. That being said, the NFL is a job. Show more people watch what you do and you have a public platform, but bottom line is that NFL players are professionals. In any business, if a worker starting using the company as a platform to talk about a political issue, the

I’m mean there is the whole Lebron has the best Game 7 averages of any player ever. And one of the best clutch shooting percentages of any player ever. And more game winning shots than Kobe. But sure Kobe is a valid part of this discussion.

No matter what happens to Kyrie this offseason, he is not coming out of this stretch looking good. It’s already pretty strange to be demanding a trade, but then to mock your own teammates alongside the team’s biggest rivals is pretty shameful. It doesn’t say much for his as a teammate or a person. How is any talented

Literally never seen a player I was rooting for turn into someone I’m pretty ok turning out to be a bust. Obviously, I’d want to draft him but his father has actually made sure I’ve reached the point where there would be a half-second of doubt first. You have to question the character of the son given how much he

What I really like is how you considered the moral implications for democracy of impeaching a President simply because they can and not for anything he has done to break the law. Not liking a President is not enough to impeach them, and would be a terrifying precedent to set.

Right premise, terrible execution for an article. The reason we have nukes, and the reason we don’t have more has to do with geo-political strategic goals. The power we currently have is overwhelming and terrifying, but if Russia had a greater capability than us then an argument could be made that for international

For all of you saying “Ivanka flew JetBlue, there for she deserved it” replace flew JetBlue with “wore a shirt skirt” and see how you feel...

Ah lovely, the liberal conspiracy theory from someone who attacked every Republican conspiracy for the past eights years. Either we believe in being rationale or not. When they go low, we go high - or can you not bring yourself to do that?

Are any of you serious? Two men chase a woman down with her kids to yell at her and your reaction is to compare them to Trump to defend them? And why shouldn’t she fly whatever class she wants? Want to criticize her policies, then do so, but stop harassing her. Imagine if this had been Michelle Obama? Just because I

Can Jonah please explain what the context of the conversation was where this came up? Ivanka has been accused of many thing, but being dumb is not one of them. So the story is that she met a NEWS CEO for the first time and decided to casually not just talk about cock, but “mulatto” cock? I don’t know, seems like one

I like Chris Bosh, and am definitely on the Bosh-is-underrated train, but it he seems like someone going through the five stages of grief. At first he just plain denied what the doctors were telling him, now he’s moved on to anger, lashing out at the Heat. I don’t trust Pat Riley, but there’s a reason pretty much