
“...crazier than the shit I got on my head.”

Snoop has some beautiful side eye going at 1:38.

The scariest thing about the ouija board story is that a Chick Tract gained enough sentience to write it!

The joke is that you can sit on his face without worrying he’ll suffocate.

If he is attentive enough to see you off three times a day, he is probably attentive enough in other ways. I've known several kind men who were good listeners to be fantastic in bed. Some would call them dumb, but they didn't try being the smartest person in the room, which was really enjoyable. 

HRC took way too much bait and engaged with way too much bullshit

“I just need to call a tow truck,” he said. “Unless you’d rather I walk to the gas station a mile away.”

things don’t have to be physical to be traumatic. Emotional abuse is not lesser than physical, and it can actually do *more* damage. Especially to kids, whose brains are not adult brains and can’t cope. the abuse eventually becomes normalized and by adulthood people are walking trauma. Kids don’t self-harm just

The Pine Barrens are spooky as fuck! I grew up elsewhere in South Jersey, but dragging us out to to the pines for various lakes/hikes/Batsto Village was my parents’ jam when I was a kid. Something about encountering foundations from long-gone colonial-era villages with the forest grown right over has always creeped me

It’s time for the spoopy.

Up the misty mountain

I mean, we did duckface for several years because it pulled in our cheeks and vaguely resembled the chiseled features of a person mid-fellatio. Now we just stick our tongue out to get the same effect while remaining ~quirky~. ‘S not hard.

Nah man, you guys are the ones raising badass Zoomer kids. Us Millennials had fucking BOOMERS as parents; what chance did we have not to be total fuckups?!? We owe you guys a debt of gratitude.

Agree. As Mr. Roger’s said, “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” 

I still don’t think anyone should feel they have to reveal their status in such a public manner unless they want to, not because they have to combat stigma.

I love everything about your comment, but this part really doesn’t get said enough:

It’s called privacy.

Agree. My husband is an infectious disease physician. The IDSA suggests all sexually active people get tested for HIV every year.

People attribute self-harm and disordered eating to cultural pressure about feminine traits all the time. The difference is women have a multiple decades head-start on critically looking at femininity as a cultural construct, and pushing back against the obviously unhealthy parts.

This ad is in no way suggesting the umbrella of masculinity is a problem. It is focusing on something that falls underneath that umbrella that’s called toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is the strain of masculinity that tells boys that they can never show emotion, that the only thing they’re allowed to feel is