
This article and the comments makes me think of a movie that came out a long time ago called Guinevere, it’s about a younger woman and an older man. It was well done but I remember this speech most of all because it was so well done. It was Guinevere’s mom talking to her daughter’s older boyfriend:

“Even the weirdos and the drunks ignore me now because there’s no mileage in trying to score a cheap laugh by trying to scare a woman over 50" Thank you for articulating what men don’t fucking get - the thrill is putting women in their place. Not “hitting” on them.  

Yes. One of the most liberating things about getting older (I am 37) is that I’m not constantly being harassed by creeps who think my looks make me an object for their use and my youth makes me an easy target. Not only are men like him ageist but they are also scared little punks because they are afraid of women their

Humans are social animals who have always relied on subtle physical cues to communicate with each other. There was never such a thing as “poor understanding of consent”.

None of the jokes were about Sarah’s looks.

I’m so full of emotions. Amazing work, and I’m still reading through it. But I just wanted to stop and say:

Running the country is hard! Being the big speech man is tough. So this big presidential boy is taking a nice, relaxing day for himself on this gloomy Good Friday.

Do you know me? Do you know my husband? Out of the two of us he’s far more responsible. How about I my decisions about my body and you take care of your?

Come on. Men are not children.For my hubby not wanting to hurt me would be plenty incentive.

Because I fucking think that a woman has autonomy to her own goddamn body no matter what the republican pieces of shit think.

Oh because it is not what YOU think is right is “extreme” and “radical” though you basically agree with me (see scenario) but just don’t want to admit it. Cute.

“If a woman started having contractions and deciding to have an abortion procedure would believe she is entitled because the baby is still in her body?”

Yes, you went for a run wearing earbuds, with full awareness that doing so dulls your ability to be aware of what is going on around you.

Hmm.... Perhaps we can leave late-term abortions open as an option to all women and work much harder to de-stigmatize early-term abortions. Better educate everyone on the subject. Make early-term abortions more affordable. Make it a tax deducti........ eh, maybe not that? I don’t know. Anyway.... Subsidize it. And

I’ve shared no information that one could not surmise for themselves via critical thinking skills.

to trust a man to take this pill.

Because if a woman lies or is careless about contraception, she’s the one who ends up pregnant. The bloke can say “wasn’t me” and walk away.

There are several pills that must be taken daily. Blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, prostate, pain, depression, etc.

to take a goddamn pill every day

Well of course! This isn’t birth control for women! They have to be careful! We wouldn’t want men taking birth control to suffer any adverse effects like, I don’t know, blood clots, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, headaches, bloating, weight gain, mood changes, depression, changes in libido, potentially dangerous