Honestly thank you for this piece, it helped me understand my (college) students.
Honestly thank you for this piece, it helped me understand my (college) students.
Agreed, and different groups of people will have more or less ability to choose their own self over their community. Ie, more marginalized folks will have to manage that tension to a greater extent than people whose communities are less oppressed/stigmatized.
Because they think that being sexually attractive to men is/should be women’s #1 priority.
It’s definitely just your opinion that there’s something wrong with a person for holding bodily autonomy above all else.
And abortions!
It wasn’t a literal stranger on the internet. Becca/Ryan cultivated REAL relationships with those women.
I’m mad that more people don’t agree that a post-birth person’s rights should trump a pre-birth person’s rights.
I’ll contribute my own thoughts on this in addition to the insightful takes by others. I think it is, at the end of the day, about controlling women. More specifically, controlling the reproduction of the human race.
No, it doesn’t. Which is why you had people lol-ing in their replies.
The way I see it, the onus is on those people to learn, develop, practice, and implement those skills, and it’s up to other men to help them. It’s up to other men to call them in or out (depending on what the situation calls for) when they are not recognizing themselves committing microaggressions. It’s not up to…
I would *love* to know where you read that
“The behavior under discussion is abhorrent and worthy of all sharp derision and volcanic anger.”
The behavior under discussion does not happen in a vacuum. It happens in a very uneven playing field. Therefore, the rhetoric used in a comedy-based show about political and social commentary will be exaggerated and…
As an academic, that is a fascinating observation.
The bile is the shkreli.
Delete your account.
The worst part for me is that I’m sure he believes he’s earned whatever entitlement he feels.
They just don’t think those actions are trash.
Oh my god I’ve been trying to think of who Sessions reminds me of, and I think this might be it! Beverly Leslie! (My other thought was All That’s portrayal of Ross Perot by little girl Katrina Johnson).
No, this OP did NOT say vaginal sex! Also, the phrase “in bed” or being a “good lover” or being “good at sex”? Sex is not just intercourse, or genital contact. Sex is the whole thing from beginning to end of the encounter
Yes. Never venture into the manosphere (The Red Pill, MRAs, Men Going Their Own Way) because this concept is a central tenant of their beliefs. The lot of them.