
It’s a BDSM relationship. He can’t relinquish control long enough to recharge, so she poisons him with mushrooms so he can be sick for a few days while she cares for him (like his mother did).

Here’s a subtitled version:

Uh, yeah. I am aware of that. Nowhere did I say contrary (though he obviously did), but I do appreciate you graphically describing the rape.*

Indigenous peoples are not disappearing from the earth and their culture is not disappearing from earth.

Yep, I’m pretty convinced that the reason people are all “jeez, this consent thing is so COMPLICATED” and “how is anyone supposed to know where the line is?” is because acknowledging that anything other than unequivocal and enthusiastic consent is assault makes their own behavior/experiences problematic.

Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to

Thank you. I can’t believe how many people here refuse to discuss the substance of the article and her comments on power and money. Every top comment seems to be about “should Ellen Pompeo even be allowed to speak?” or “she’s lying about where she’s from!” Calling her classless or tasteless for simply talking about

Wow love how quickly people read this frank discussion of how the economics of Hollywood disenfranchise women, and went; “Fuck her she said a mean thing about Faye Dunaway.”

I agree with this. And I feel like folks missing the point are trying to stir things up and focus on women fighting other women rather than women empowering and supporting other women.

I feel like you’re missing the point. The comment came from respect. She named someone she feels should have all the power and money she can handle. She isn’t calling out Dunaway she’s calling out a patriarchal power structure that has left one of the greatest actors of her generation without any real financial or

OMG. Now this is the kind of honesty and speaking truth to power that gets the power structure where it really feels it: in the wallet.

It’s a systematic issue and I feel like his power would be taken away if journalists went after Amazon and SPC (who work with him) or even CAA and WME instead of focusing on Selena Gomez. But a lot of journalists are cowards and don’t want to get access shut off for interviews with future Amazon and SPC films or have

Eh, I took Jane’s comment as a subtle hint that perhaps the LW is a bit on her high horse about her degrees, which is a sense I also got, reading her letter. (That doesn’t make her an awful person or the villain of this piece, but man, it’s obnoxious.)

“Tell me what I can do” is not the same as “I would feel a lot of relief...”. Also, I’d just like to point out the irony of the fact I’m now having two separate discussions about the nature of forgiveness under a comment thread about people changing the subject from sexism/racism as a rhetorical tactic.

A cursory look at your comment history leads me to the conclusion that there really isn’t any point in continuing whatever this is with you.

This is the part that irritates the ish out of me. While I understand the why, don’t take that out on me for having home training and using said home training when I interact with you.

I’m married to a dude, but I’m pretty sure that if we ever split up, that will be my last hetero partnership. Sometimes I think wistfully about what it’s like to have both partners performing their share of the emotional labor.

That’s what Plan B is for