
the bottom line is this: when all the officers in your Police Department are going through sensitivity training related to working with trans people as police, that is not the time to question the legitimacy of Statistics regarding trans people because no one in your family has had that experience. if no one in your

He brought up a completely bullshit and unrelated point to attempt to challenge the entire premise of the presentation. Something tells me he was not going to be receptive to being educated in any way shape or form. That’s the kind of question you ask if you think the entire premise of the training is bullshit. He

This is why the conservative media machine is so poisonous to dialogue in this country. “White male privilege” was and should be the artful term to describe this exact situation, but conservative media has spent the past few years making it out to be a slur “those people” are using to attack you, so now we can’t use

Fair enough and she should’ve known her crowd, but if someone can’t hear the manufactured outrage in his voice, it’s cuz they are deaf. This is how people try to bully “sjw”’s into silence. By using our own “tricks” against us. The fact that he has the confidence and shamelessness to do this just proves her point in

Counter-point: dudes question was the real life equivalent of troll in the comment section.

I think the problem here is that she got placed on administrative leave.

Still not sold on the “It’s the oppressed person’s job to win over their oppressor” line of thinking. Not saying that being more diplomatic would have hurt, just that winning allies shouldn’t take priority over speaking honestly.

I get it, really, but it’s not her job to educate him on white male privilege. I think if he had responded without overreacting, it would have made such a dialogue possible, but he is the one who had an extremely inappropriate, hostile response. It also seems like the chief didn’t want to discuss privilege either, or

She’s a cop, not a political orator. She did decent.

I once took the time to explain to a white, male acquaintance what privilege was after he was very defensive about me telling him he had it. Turns out, yeah, privilege is now a loaded word that immediately turns people off. Once I told him it was basically “perks” he gets as a white person and gave him a specific

You’re not wrong about her level of tact, but I’m uncomfortable giving lectures on tone without knowing more of the history. If she was just trying to educate others on trans people than yeah, not a great job, but the way everything went down makes me inclined to wonder if the officer has experienced sexism in the

Only a white privileged male could find the term “white male privilege” offensive... Everyone else has bigger problems than accurate descriptors to worry about.

That man is going to react defensive to anything a woman or minority says to him that does not please him, look how he started to yell, that is not normal, that is a toxic behaviour.

Yeah, a lot of people now are raging that “privilege” is a dirty word, but it is. It’s going to make people hate you. It’s a buzzword that, no matter how true it is, won’t win you any friends or help influence those who need to be influenced.

“Precisely because you and your family go through life without ever being hassled for no reason, it’s understandable that you don’t see those who are routinely hassled. This seminar is to make you aware of issues you might not understand or even know about.”

I am HERE for no-fucks-to-give John Oliver and would like for him to interview all of the people.

What John Oliver did was, literally, heroic. There are plenty of people who relish being the skunk at the garden party, and he’s not one of them. When I’ve seen him do things like this in the past, he looks really uncomfortable with it; even a bit scared. A hero isn’t someone who’s fearless; a hero is someone who is

Me watching America get all these predators TF outta here:

I’m pretty sure the women he harassed felt blindsided, too. Deal with being uncomfortable in every situation now, Hoffman. Welcome to Hell!

“Am I the powerful man” is about as tone-deaf as it gets.