I see that “fuck off we’re full” sticker out and about in my city.
I’ve seen all of these posted online before but the “Don’t Re-Nig” is a first time. I’m kind of floored by the caucasity of such a thing.
Oh yeah, and has expressed admiration for:
So far the Trump Administration has defended:
Its shockingly common in social media and it follows a similar pattern to abuse in face-to-face relationships.
The abuser can manipulate the victims concern for his well-being, guilt them over their actions, use abusive language, roping in other friends. Just take a look at this passage:
I feel directly the opposite. It’s pretty plain that these women were being effectively tormented. The abuse is actually common, it’s only the hidden identity of the abuser that’s novel.
Wow, kudos. This is a really valuable comment.
I’d add that the fact that “Ryan” was a persona that was so abusive shows just what type of masculinity our society teaches young. The expectation that Becca had of what Ryan should do to prove his masculinity, even in private interactions, included harassing women, becoming possessive of people you haven’t even meet…
Not really? I don’t know Schultz’s actual orientation and alignment and neither matter in the scheme of things, but her story does go to show that the patterns of abuse directed at and against women are not (a) unique to men or (b) primarily about sexual fulfillment. They’re about wielding power, letting off steam at…
13-17 year olds don’t have a completely developed emotional system for dealing with relationships. That’s why we have laws to protect them from adult predators. She’s coming from a fucked up place, but she got into it as a child, and couldn’t figure out how to get out of it as an adult.
Reading your comments in this thread, I’m seeing nothing but “boys will be boys”. “Men will be men.” “They can’t help themselves, poor men.”
As a man, I understand what you’re saying, but at the same time, just don’t put your hands on women. You can flirt without touching or being sexual. If a woman is into you, she’ll let you know, and if she doesn’t, well there are other women out there that may. You’re not entitled to have a woman just because you like…
I’m sure not going to argue with you about the semantics, homeslice
No, men are not left in a Catch 22. Leave people alone. Men don’t “get” women, that implies ownership and that’s exactly what encourages these types of behaviors. And where are you getting this pseudo-statistic that “a lot of women love that type of attention”? Thats gross and wholly untrue.
And then we brushed the shit off and chalked it up to him just being a dirty old man.”
She might. We don’t know her life.