No, this OP did NOT say vaginal sex! Also, the phrase “in bed” or being a “good lover” or being “good at sex”? Sex is not just intercourse, or genital contact. Sex is the whole thing from beginning to end of the encounter
No, this OP did NOT say vaginal sex! Also, the phrase “in bed” or being a “good lover” or being “good at sex”? Sex is not just intercourse, or genital contact. Sex is the whole thing from beginning to end of the encounter
Yes. Never venture into the manosphere (The Red Pill, MRAs, Men Going Their Own Way) because this concept is a central tenant of their beliefs. The lot of them.
SJP is paying homage to Carrie Fisher with a Princess Leia look
Please tell me you’re lying, or that the places you’re reading these comparisons are limited to the sewage-filled corners of 4chan and reddit...
Because it’s been demonstrated that diversity is good for business. Different genders and races have different lived experiences. Bringing differences to the table leads to creativity, different perspectives, and all the more ability to move things forward, in different directions, or reach different places.
I feel pretty confident claiming this because my mom’s side is from (and in) West Virginia, but that thought would never cross their minds. Calling the cops over something you can handle yourself? Psh.
“Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state”
I literally laughed out loud. It’s like playing Neckbeard Bingo.
Flute, then 3 years of Drum Major ;)
Something tells me that the powers that be don’t exactly consider having “fewer rapes” a priority.
WOW I forgot all about my uncle calling me Refinnej when I was a wee thing! Thanks for the memories, fellow Jennifer
The one in the middle is so devious!
I’m interested in what you mean by mentor! I don’t think I want to have my own kids but I would love to be a valuable role model, if you feel like sharing your story
Guuhhhh I need more coffee. Thanks Riot GRRR!
Wait- I don’t get it :(
Dang that’s a direct replica... I never realized this is how fashion works. TIL.
If we’re all doing anecdotes, I’d just contribute that I was a teenager 10 years ago and my (totally average, non-religious) folks spewed the same awful directives. I hear the “why would he buy the cow if he can get the milk for free” in my middle-aged parents’ social circles still to this day.
I think that guys and gals have comparable capacities to enjoy sex without emotion, and similar desires for relationships versus sex. But society cultivates their sexual roles and expectations to where they are pitted as two different ends of the spectrum.
Am I missing something? Are the vandals members of minority or marginalized groups? I agree with your comment but the linked article, to me, shows two entitled white brats who spray-painted hate against Jews, gays, blacks, and Muslims.
Cackling! I had the same thoughts at that sentence.