
I’d think you’re safe from asshole-dom if you take off the bull bar and monkey light.

At $100/day, it will get rented exactly never days. $40ish and we’ll talk.

You forgot to multiply by zero. Or, in the case of this lunatic, divide.

If they put it on Turo I would rent it for a weekend.

I’m right there with you, but good luck getting that car from literally any manufacturer now, though.

And at the end of it you'd be WAY over 21k. 

Im waiting for true justice. The next COTD will come from a comment on his comment, and he will sadly be cropped out. By the laws of the internet, this is the way. 

Even a crackhead like Gollum wouldn’t buy this thing.

Not a chance. It would be suicide for a dealer to sell beadlocks with a jeep. They don’t actually seal. You have to air them up every 1-3 weeks. 30+ Bolts per wheel have to be torqued regularly. In an age where people don’t even want to change their oil more than every 15,000 mi, no one would accept this.

I think the vast majority of people who say they want a single cab are people that have never owned a single cab. I had one once, and would only go back if it was my secondary vehicle - which puts it in the used beater budget range, not 30k new Jeep cost.

I respectfully disagree.  That view from the rear is aggressive and bulky in all the right ways.  

It’s a Jeep truck, logic is invalid. 

bought a new wrangler for about 2K more than a used rusty one with 50k miles.

People pay a lot more to cosplay as race car drivers.

Eww. A little more specificity than I was looking for, honestly.

Going down on a crack whore who just pulled a train.

How does this cost anything?

Please. Nothing in Australia comes in a 12 ounce can.