As soon as I saw the “technician” tried to break the wheel nuts loose on a *raised car* I would have said: “Nevermind. Drop the car. I’m so outta here.” BUT YOU STAYED AND EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWED WAS EXPECTED!
As soon as I saw the “technician” tried to break the wheel nuts loose on a *raised car* I would have said: “Nevermind. Drop the car. I’m so outta here.” BUT YOU STAYED AND EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWED WAS EXPECTED!
Big Car That Automaker Names After Sports Car Despite Groaning From Enthusiasts Doesn’t Turn Good
While I really appreciate some good pedantry, the usage is depreciated. It just means “prettymuch destroyed” now. Even the dictionary says so now.
This is my kind of pedantry!
I came here to see 1/10th of a bridge. I’m disappointed at the incorrect use of decimated.
What if I told you that “zero gravity” on the “spaceship” called the ISS only exists because it’s constantly falling towards earth...
But more pointless than the Cold War dick measuring contest?
“The Wright Brothers didn’t fly.”
Branson experienced brief “zero gravity” because his “spaceship” was falling towards earth just like you would if you jumped out of a plane.
Let me just say that if I did what he did, I am telling every fucker I know and everyone I meet that I have been to motherfucking space.
Why the hate? Someone’s gotta fork over the big bucks if our governments won’t. Let the Bazillionare Space Race commence, and godspeed, I say. We’ll get some actual technological advancements that will further mankind’s journey into the cosmos, while also having a chance to witness some one-percenter explode on…
But I want to be angry NOW!
I know Hummers aren’t as capable as Wranglers off-road but I think they can handle a crumbled driveway
Frankly, I’m not sure there really is a large pool of “car people” out there anymore. The new generations coming up have every facet of their life being a “service” and those services nickel and diming their supplemental income to where they don’t often have the capital to have exposure that fosters interest. Even…
The ships captain was heard to exclaim " Oh, Cock."
The last thing we need is a rider high-siding into a building front and dying of COVID-19.