
Deaf people can drive.

I always wear foam earplugs though even though it's not legal where I live. Rather get a ticket than tinnitus.

Barefoot just feels wrong to me. I don’t feel like I can get the pressure on the brake pedal for some reason and the rubber edges are uncomfortable. Even just a basic racing shoe with a thin sole is better than nothing IMHO.

That or they have never had to take a ride on the interstate on anything besides a tourer with a huge windshield and fairings, and even then.

Yeah that law was written by someone who has never ridden. I value my hearing too much to ride without earplugs in.

2 buds legal in California.

Sure, it might not be illegal to drive with bare feet, but after you hit the spike belt and have to make a run for it, you’ll be glad you had your shoes on. Did you learn nothing from die-hard?

Cam gear spun free of the camshaft causing catastrophic munching of valves.  It was a pretty bad design flaw...

Because it’s basically a frame, an engine, some seats, a thin metal shell and...that’s it.

I want a Autobahn in the US. But make it a very expensive Toll road to get on, like $50. Do this to keep the stupid moronic poor people, and tree hugging Prius drivers and just overall people whose cars just aren’t roadworthy enough for these speeds off. Make it a special license you have to apply for to be able to


Seriously. When we hit up a rest stop my wife changes the baby and I run in and grab food while we are filling up. If we’re not ready to go as soon as the pump clicks off, I consider the stop a complete failure.

I think we’re far closer to solving nuclear fusion than convincing Karens to use the correct lane. 

Starred for The Trouble with Tribbles reference.

According to the pig they are just friends.

Deserves a shot

*Two too many zeroes.

As much as I like how clean this car is, and as much as I like the Beretta,  this is a "Honey, I put the car on Craigslist, I don't know why nobody is buying." Pricing. CP. 
