
I’d like to suggest the MV50 if you’re looking for an affordable compressor. It’s a connect to battery compressor, not a cigarette lighter one. There are a decent amount of reviews on it on different offroad forums and the majority of people are very happy with theirs, myself included.

Thanks for the reply. The Resurgence jeans peaked my interest because I see a fair amount of people complain that kevlar can be itchy and somewhat uncomfortable. Did you find the Pekev material that Resurgence uses as a liner to be more comfortable/breath any better?

Do you have real world experience with the Resurgence jeans? They appear to be some of the best bang for the buck in terms of style/protection and price.

Just wanted to say I really enjoyed this article! As a 31 year old who just purchased his new first mountain bike in two decades I’m excited to experience the technological advances firsthand.

So in your opinion who is a good hip hop artist. You might disagree, but both of those albums are pretty well regarded among hip hop fans.

Despite I Love College being a terrible song Asher Roth is actually a pretty good artist. Check out Pabst And Jazz or Retrohash, both quality albums.

Fraternities, teaching young white dudes how to be douchebags since 1776.

Did you actually read the AMA, because he states he lost count as to how many banks he robbed. He just gave the cops three.

This is one of my favorite beers if I have a whole day of summer drinking ahead of me. This is probably in large part due to my proximity to Troegs, and also because drinking Perpetual for an entire has never ended well for me.

You are correct. Deload, at least in weight lifting, is normally lifting at 40-60% of your 1 rep max and your normal sets and reps.

The roll of shame is considered the correct way to handle a failed bench press if you’re not benching in a power rack.

You have to go even more old school.

This is something Colorado should have expected with their new marijuana laws.

I think he already used those dollar bills judging by the Cheetah Gentleman's Club hat he has on.

Uncanny Resemblance

I'm guessing he meant Twinkie due to their recent demise.