
Captain Marvel in the top 20 is straight trolling. Her character was so ill defined. Was she supposed to be coy? No nonsense? Arrogant? She delivered every line with a condescending smirk.

I mostly agree, but... just making the most obvious choices #1&2 makes for a pretty pointless list.

His scene when he appears at the mob conference is mesmerizing. My favorite shot in the movie is the look he throws at whoever calls him crazy. “I’m not.

Nah. The prequels are good ideas shittily executed, the sequels are shit ideas competently executed. Neither is really “better” than the other.

I might have at one point said a paraphrasing of what you posted.

This is the correct take. Great ideas in those prequals.

How do you have a 50+ movie list of indie movies and not include Evil Dead? You can’t get more indie than the filmmakers going around to local businesses and seeing if they would like to invest.

It’s also why I, as an Asianish dude, don’t want to him to be a POC, either. Because it’s kinda insulting:

Sir, this is the internet. You are going to have to take your reasonable and measured opinion somewhere else. 

it’s more of a crime film than a superhero movie.”

the Film is DC’s answer to SpiderMan: The Three Musketeers.

Spidey made how much?  I don’t care that Flash won’t make that much, they are staring at Spidey and crossing their fingers.

It’s like the Transfomrers movies. People kept seeing them, then saying “ugh.” Then going back to see them again.

I disagree completely: Jurassic Park just came out and no I’m not old, you’re old, shut up, leave me alone, I’m going home now to take a nap because I’m still young and active.

Will politicians be arrested over this? Maybe not but they probably won’t be able to run for office any longer.

I hear they got Laura Dern back for this movie by showing her the script and she was reminded about that time in the first movie where she went shoulder deep into a pile of dinosaur poop

I reactivated an account I haven’t used to comment on this site for probably close to ten years to thank you personally.

Jurassic World is the single worst movie I have seen in my entire life, and I’m so tired of people pretending it was just simple popcorn entertainment. What was your favorite part everyone? The most

I’ve created an account just to agree with you with every fibre of my being. When people excuse Jurassic World as being: “Just dumb fun with dinosaurs!” I weep. The first one was ALSO dumb fun with dinosaurs, but it fucking worked as a film as well. It is possible to be both!

So many thoughts on this. Sorry everyone, this is my second effortpost on how much I hate this franchise (specifically JW) in week. I promise I’ll stop after this.

Let the Right One In was very well done, the kind of movie that afterward you aren’t even sure what you should be most disturbed by about it