
I’ve flagged probably 20-30 of its comments over a few articles this morning; dozens on days prior, and it yet spams away.

That’s fair.

Kylo Ren is a shark jump in human form. He is unwatchably, frustratingly awkward and nonsensical as a character, and he’s still the best thing about the hot mess that is TLJ.

The problem is that Snoke is important to properly understand Kylo, and by tossing him aside with so little development it leaves both him and the whole setup of the current status quo lacking depth and definition.

The Last Jedi was a mess that repeatedly whiffed the execution of solid ideas.

Well, realistically, if a person is going to die in one of these movies, it’ll be because they were killed by a dinosaur, not something as anticlimactic as, “They fell down.” I get where you’re coming from, though. Sure, Eddie’s death fits the tone of that part of the story - with the heroes at their lowest, having

Because they think that their movie will sell itself based on gender swapped stunt casting, just like Ghostbusters.

I haven’t seen O8, but the premise here sounds awful. Why a diamond heist? Where are they going to sell a $150m necklace? They prob wouldn’t net half that. In O11, the guys walked away with giant duffel bags of cash. Leave it to Hollywood to have to women getting paid much less than their male peers.

The real problem is that you have a bunch of incredibly attractive women in awesome outfits versus a bunch of dudes in various states of slovenliness.

It is both disappointingly unsurprising

Eh, fanboys would just criticize them for doing a remake of that scene in The Dark Knight.

I think that last paragraph covered him.

Sure, but calling them “the opposite of D.C. movies” seems a little mean-spirited.

Here’s the thing: there’s a photorealistic T.Rex in it.

Dear Warner Bros.

I will undoubtedly see this movie, and just as undoubtedly think a bit less of myself for enjoying it.

I don’t know why it’s so hard.

The Internet has generated a lot of stupid shit, but I think, bar none, the worst of it is the fact that everyone can easily spray whatever stupid shit comes into their head out into the world, in a (semi-)permanent fashion. Most people, even smart people like us (because obviously we’re not idiots), think and say all

I did think about harassing Rian Johnson and well, one restraining order later, I’ve mostly calmed down.

Fuck these tiny little baby men. Her character sucked, but it had nothing to do with her being Asian or female. Also, if you’re the type of person who thinks an actor should be harassed for taking a job, then you should probably have all your fingers broken so you can’t type anything for a long enough period of time