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It has, but that’s supposed to be what sets Thrawn apart. That’s why he’s made out to be this big threat. And he was that kind of brilliant tactician, at least when he was first introduced years ago in the Heir to the Empire series. As I said somewhere else, this version of Thrawn would have gotten Force choked by

I sit here trying to figure out why it’s not landing, and I just keep coming back to the writing. It just feels fucking lazy.

Mando season 3 lost its way for me. There’s good bits, but it really didn’t create much of an impression other than feeling a bit aimless.  I can’t even tell you much about the season at this point, other than knowing that Bo-Katan is quickly becoming as important as Din.


Hell, “justifies its existence” could simply be taken to mean “live up to your own potential”. Virtually everything in this show, other than maybe the effects and the action (when they managed to switch out the actor’s decaf for regular), squanders at least some of it’s potential storytelling power.

Why is this guy a compelling reason to endanger the whole galaxy and everyone you know?

Best Star Wars fan-fiction ever made award goes to The Force Awakens.

You are weirdly aggressive about this.

They never say what the boxes are. “Easy to figure out” =/= revealed. Yes, you can infer that they’re more zombie troopers, but it’s never outright stated.

What I don’t get is that with these being limited series, they presumably have most of them written ahead of time— at the very least, they’ve broken the whole show out. There’s no reason for all this backtracking with Thrawn’s schemes, other than just lack of care in keeping the threads tight.  That lands squarely

This is the correct ranking.  (With Andor probably at the top... ironically, its the one I still haven’t finished).

There’s no way that movie comes out in theaters, if it gets made at all.

I don’t think you can go that far. There’s far worse shows just within the Disney+ SW universe. It’s not good, but it’s also not aggressively bad in the same way that Boba Fett or Kenobi were. It’s just kind of bland. Which is not supposed to be an excuse, I just don’t think this falls into the YouTube extremes of

And yet, despite all of those complaints being 100% fair, somehow Stevenson remains the most compelling aspect of the whole show.

I’d give Ahsoka the edge over OWK. Ahsoka’s storycraft is pretty poor, but there’s nothing as phenomenally stupid as the goons chasing Leia through the forest, and it doesn’t actively cause friction with the core storyline the way that Kenobi did.

To be fair, I DO like Star Wars, and I found it hard to care about virtually anything happening here.  There isn’t a whole lot of effort made to make any of this make sense, especially if you haven’t watched an extra 500 hours of animated shows.

Then bloody well show the cold storage facility (because there’s no indication of where those boxes are coming from at all).

The problem is that the show goes to great lengths to TELL us that Thrawn is a tactical genius, but everything they SHOW us tells me he’s an idiot.

Do they enjoy the sequels?  I find Ahsoka to be very similar to something like Force Awakens-- it’s flashy and fun while you watch it, but in the end it just doesn’t do much.

As someone who never watched any of the animated shows, I wanted to give this show the benefit of the doubt, and I did for eight episodes. But now that it’s over, I have to agree with Sam— so little happens in this show, and what does happens doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

You’re totally right about the “trendy”-ness of it. It definitely is a lefty-only type of thing, at least in my experience, but I think (based on no hard data, to be fair) it comes from a place of wanting to reinforce the idea that everyone is a human. I can’t really fault the practice on that basis, even if it sounds

“who decided Ahsoka should be the most boring character in her own series?”