
Um... it’s a slasher movie.  Presumably you know that going into it.  I don’t think you’re supposed to be surprised when it’s a trap.  (I’ll totally give you that it’s annoying when the characters are made to be dumb, though).

It’s not a new observation, but B&R is really unfairly maligned. It’s not a good movie by any stretch, but most people refused to take it on its own terms. It’s supposed to be stupid and ridiculous, the same way the 60s show is.  Now, that might have been ill-advised and not at all what the public wanted or expected,

Rise of Skywalker isn’t on this list, and that alone invalidates it.

It’s some epic trolling is what it is. The irony is so thick it you could swim in it.

When they’re being paid millions of dollars to be funny and can’t manage at all, I think there’s some justification for disliking a person. It’s a giant reminder of the same kind of guy who keeps getting promoted despite having no qualifications or discernible ability.

How about just the simple fact that happier people do better work?

Explain why an employer needs to comment about anyone’s eating habits or their body, ever.  Be specific.  Show your work.

To be slightly fair, even mediocre VFX can be costly, and they probably shoot a lot of this on the same volume stages that The Mandalorian uses, which are also exceedingly expensive. But there’s still no excuse for not planning a couple extra days of rehearsal for the stunt sequences or for pushing to make them more

There is absolutely no reason that Disney couldn’t have planned enough time into the production schedule to choreograph and rehearse better fights than this. I’ve seen network TV, which has a much more rigorous schedule and far smaller budgets, come up with more engaging stunt work than this.

Wait, David Tennant is in this?

I’ve seen some complaints that this screws up the timeline

Ok, that’s fair. See XPNDC’s comment for a better explanation than I managed.

That’s a fair correction.

Honestly, I doubt he’ll see residuals for BB, ever.  As you said, the contract is what the contract is.  New union rules don’t change contracts on completed work.

Except, not really?  Because most products aren’t infinitely reusable, the way a show on a streaming service is.  And it’s also the way that entertainment worked for fifty years, with residual based pay, until streaming cut that all out again.

He stops playing that at the nineteenth time through.

Price is seriously the biggest problem.  I don’t mind going to movies by myself, but if I go see even a standard movie, buy popcorn and a drink, I’m sitting at close to $30

Eragon was about the closest thing I could come up with as an analogue for WoT, too, but I didn’t want to insult WoT. Even telling people to skip whole books in WoT, I’d still say its considerably better than Eragon.

He’s gotta have a clause in the sale contract with Disney saying they won’t release the OT in their orginall form.  I can’t see Disney letting that cash cow go by, unless maybe they’re waiting for the 50th anniversary.  But given the state of physical media sales, I don’t know if that makes a whole lot of sense.

And to release the goddamn original versions already.