
Even if all of those things were unequivocally true, had Hillary bothered to put any effort into really campaigning in states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, she’d have won despite all of them.

You seem to be under the delusion you have some control over this situation.  Best of luck with that.

You’re really overcomplicating this.

Yeah, I’d assume the signage is more a matter of employee inertia (“I’m not taking it down until someone tells me to”) than actual intent.  It seemed like all the COVID stuff was really grasping at straws here.  Thanks.

Again, just because you don’t like the term doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. They’re shit movies, with a shitty term to describe them.  Snyder made the movies that form the framework of the films. There are a lot of crazier, dumber ways names have been granted to things.

Am I serious?  Not really, no-- it’s a snarky comment on a pop culture website.

Nah.  Commenting on an article shouldn’t require additional research.

I’m sure there’s a story reason for it, but I find it a little tough to understand why you need to motorcycle off a cliff in order to parachute.  A motorcycle dropping from the sky isn’t exactly covert.

My daughter is 5 and has never been to a movie theater. I’m actively looking for a movie that’s worth bringing her to, and fuck if I can find one. I was hoping it’d be Elemental, but man if the reviews aren’t terrible. Maybe it’ll have to be Wish around Thanksgiving.

I know AVClub moved to LA now- are they really still doing a lot of masking or even acting like COVID is still a thing? I’ve been to doctor’s appointments for months without seeing anyone in a mask.

The “implausible” part of this being that an Ubder driver/bartender can afford a house at all, in order to owe property taxes?

Show me on the Batman doll where Zach Snyder hurt you.

Ok, fair enough.  The movies didn’t leave much of an impression on me, tbh.  James Gunn’s a little more than the first one, but neither is really anything to write home about, IMO.

You might not like it (either the term or the movies, and you’ll get no argument from me on either opinion), but it’s a commonly used term for the films he directed, of which movies like Suicide Squad, Aquaman, and The Flash are more or less connected to:

I’m not sure numbers of tickets would help you that much. You could adjust the numbers for inflation to put them roughly on parity, but you’re only talking about ten years or so from the first film to the last, so it’s not going to be THAT big a deal. You’re still stuck with the idea that you’re only roughly gauging

I watched it in the theaters, and thought it was a very good film. But it was obviously VERY navel-gazey, and there were some parts that got a little hammy even for Spielberg.  Calling it one of his best films is a very big stretch, and West Side Story even more so.

The Matrix and Avatar, off the top of my head.

Spielberg directed two of the best films of his career.”

Citation seriously needed. West Side Story and Fablemans are fine, but they aren’t even top 10 in Spielberg’s filmography.

At this point, I think you’re more likely to see a sequel to a Nolan Batman film than The Flash.

I don’t think anyone argues with the ending of Game of Thrones, in the broad strokes. (Ok, maybe Bran being King). As you said, the seeds are planted there throughout the early story.

The problem is the rushed, ineffectual execution. How many times did you watch those last two seasons and think “why the fuck is _______