
It has to be intentional at this point. 

First time I watched Midnight Mass, I don’t think I got more than an episode in before I turned to my wife and said, “This is the most Stephen King thing that Stephen King has never written.”  (From me, owner of 50+ SK hardcovers, it’s praise).  Needless to say, I love the shit out of MM.

The problem with It Chapter 2 (aside from the stated problem that having Pennywise chase kids is inherently scarier than seeing him chase adults) is the inexplicable decision to send all the characters off on individual side quests/jump scare scenes. Granted, it’s been probably 20 years since I read It, but I don’t

Eh... Having literally just finished a re-read of the The Gunslinger yesterday: it’s a tricky book. It’s very episodic, Roland is by turns distant, despicable, and inscrutable (even being privy to his internal monologue) for pretty much the entire book and it (SPOILERS for a 40yo book, I guess) ends with the hero

Yeah, there’s really no excuse for that not being the worst, just for sheer awfulness of trying to cram a seven (8 if you count Wind Through the Keyhole) book series into an under-two-hour-movie.

Solidarity as a union. Internally.

NOT solidarity WITH the WGA.

Because, again, they are almost certainly not legally allowed to call a strike in solidarity with the WGA.

I haven’t heard a ton of the “DGA betrayed us” thing, tbh, though I’m sure it’s out there. I think it’s going to largely depend on what the actual contract says and how much of it will cross over to (or undercut) the WGA’s negotiations.

Of course they will. They’re different unions. They can’t cut a deal along with the WGA. SAG has different members, different needs, and different goals.

For fuck’s sake.

Well, we’re getting another Haunted Mansion movie this year (the third, I believe, if you count the Muppet one), so they must be running out.

Tone is tough via text.

Ooof. That’s some bad news for Disney. OTOH, if the Snow White remake and the Mufasa prequel don’t turn it around, it might finally slow down this live-action remake thing and prompt them to try something new. Like... trying something new.

Keaton and Shannon could still go on the shows, if they were running.

Ok, that’s fair- having a different approach to how you showcase art is probably not the worst thing in the world.  At the same time, though, it is going to open you up to criticism like this.

I mean, in context, it kind of works.  It’s a thing that Ross is trying to get.  That’s at least in spitting distance of the original definition.

Apparently, Gadsby does (which another commenter was helpful enough to point out, because clearly AVClub doesn’t feel its important enough to bother with that context).

Ok, but that’s not in the article.  I don’t think outside research really needs to be necessary to make a snarky comment.

Is that noted somewhere in the article, or am I supposed to just know it instinctively?

Perhaps the important question is why anyone chose a comedian to curate an exhibit on an artist in the first place, instead of an expert in... y’know... art?

It’s a “MacGuffin.”

This was a website that actually employed people who loved pop culture, at least at one point.