
And while I haven’t seen it, I’d wager that among Corman movies it’d probably rank pretty high.  

And you couldn’t really sue anyone for stealing the remarkably unremarkable idea of “invader embeds and falls in love with culture they invaded”.  You could sue for some of the more specific elements (say, the ecology, elements of Na’vi biology, etc), and I think that’s what Cameron probably pointed to as having

Worth pointing out as well: that decade-plus long effort to make a new narrative film after making the most successful film in all time... yielded a new most successful film of all time.

For Fury Road? Still worth it.

This is the kind of thing that would have to happen at a legislative level anyways- its not like Ticketmaster, venues or artists are voluntarily going to give up their mountains of money unless forced to. So carve out another exception legally.

I can’t imagine how it would end any other way.  

The problem is that for every ten Disenchanteds, you get a Mad Max Fury Road or Top Gun: Maverick.

Man, that two part Wicked movie is really one of the all time bad ideas.  It seems to be a common problem with musicals that most of the best stuff is in the first act, but with Wicked it seems doubly true.  Am I just forgetting because it’s been that long since I’ve seen it?

The solution (which I typed above and elsewhere), which no one with any power to actually enact has any incentive to put in place, is that you make concert tickets work like airplane tickets. You buy it, your name is printed on it, and you show ID when you get to the venue.

If you can’t go, you cancel your ticket for a

That’s some capitalist apologist crap. You could end scalping literally tomorrow by simply connecting each ticket to it’s owners name like an airline seat. There’s no secondary market for a plane ticket because if your name isn’t on it, you can’t go, pure and simple.

It wouldn’t stop the pricing from being outrageous,

You could end scalping tomorrow with one simple change- sell tickets the same way you do plane tickets: with a name attached to the ticket. I can buy a ticket for my wife, but I can’t show up and take her seat on a plane.

Music of the working man my ass.

I think it may be time to admit that Elon Musk might just be, on balance, an idiot.

I don’t know how old you are, but no matter what, you’re not alone. Granted, I have a lot more going on in my life with work, kids, and middle-age-dom than I did when Iron Man premiered and I was in my late 20s, but I don’t think its just that. The prospect of trying to keep track of quite literally hundreds of hours

Again, show that contract that states an actor is supposed to be able to differentiate between live and blank ammunition.

The FACT that you MUST check the gun if you are and ACTOR on set is in Baldwin’s union contract.”

Pull up a SAG contract that shows that. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Actually, no I won’t. The SAG basic agreement doesn’t mention “guns” “firearms” or “weapons” at all. However, here’s the SAG bulletin regarding safety, including

More importantly, who cares?

To paraphrase Michael Jordan, conservatives watch TV too. Not every show needs to be bleeding heart liberal. (And I say that as a pretty liberal, registered Democrat).

The film was literally a CGI version of a kid in a bathtub playing with toys, and I have no problem with that. It made me smile, didn’t try to do anything more, and that’s all I needed from it.

I see a lot of opinions going around here, and very few of them seem to be based in any understanding of how firearms on film sets actually work. As someone who has worked for nearly a decade around prop firearms (not in the prop department, but around cameras and in close proximity to the prop weapons), here’s my

It would be- and was- absolutely insane to have live rounds anywhere near a set. That failure is the beginning and end of why this happened.

As you say, Baldwin, as producer and part owner of the production company, certainly bears blame for some of that. But as an actor on set, I think you expect too much. It’s