J Petrille

Man. She really overestimates her appeal.

Faking a suicide note seems pretty far beyond Love's capabilities, to me.

I just watched Nick Broomfield's documentary about The Grim Sleeper, which is such an impressive, Jinx-like work, I really can't understand how he's promulgating the "Courtney killed Kurt" conspiracy bullshit.

Methinks you overstate the case. The fact that Blu Rays come packaged with DVDs is proof of the medium's resilience, not its obsolescence. It also speaks to the fairly limited advances given by the Blu Ray format, at least in the eyes of the average consumer.

Also the probable first-weekend gross.

I feel like he gets way too much attention here. The originality of his voice, and the sharpness of his bits, don't warrant that much attention.

They look like they were made from discarded GI Joes. Don't bother looking for any symbolism in that, it will be a fruitless search.

"Needs more Guy Gardener."

Very cool, Will Harris! I got to meet him as well. His house was littered with books, as you'd expect. I'm really glad he found some success late in life. How was your experience?

Ima hijack to say I can't believe Harvey Pekar isn't getting any love. His appearances were so adversarial and hilarious. I also pretty agree with Pekar's take that Letterman was kind of a shallow thinker, not really as subversive as people give him credit for, and not even as quickwitted as a lot of "street

Her "brand". Cause she's not an artist. She's not even a businesswoman. She's a business, woman!

BIlly had several great parts in the recent Mad Max sequel.

Why does clicking on the "hate-tweeting Paul Feig" link take you to a Steely Dan review?

>>>What emerges is a complicated situation, not easily reduced to “the
justice system is racist”—although that’s certainly part of it.

Harry can't live the button-down life like Al Jean. He wants it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles. Sure, he might offend a few of the "bluenoses" with his cocky stride and musky odors. He'll never be the darling of the so-called "City Fathers" who cluck their tongues, stroke their

DAE hate racism?!?

"Exhausted". They do a few hours of work a week, remotely from where they live, and in exchange they gets $10s of millions of dollars a year. Not exactly slaving away on the Rehabilitation Project Force!

Maybe that's why they made it suck so bad these last few decades. They wanted to make it easy for the fans to say goodbye.

[The movie] silences survivors by emphasizing the perpetrators’ experiences, reinforcing the victims’ continued lack of agency.

Oh probably not. I think Nolan's been open about the influence Matrix and other 90s movies had on him. But that doesn't mean we should overlook their decade-plus run of shit.