J Petrille

Is that a real thing?

I'm an ideas man, Michael. I think I proved that with Fuck Mountain.

Was his comedy about you shouldn't do auto-erotic asphyxiation? No? Then a shitty analogy, right?

Seems like a good time to point out Samantha Bee and her husband fought her own kids' school's desegregation effort.

>>disgusting pools of slime where trolls can talk about their love of Donald Trump

ITT: (1). It's ok to describe a woman exercising her legal rights as a "bitch".

They told police they're not being against their will. You only think it's okay to override their stated will because they're women. You would never react with the assumption that your opinion trumps their's if this was young white guys.

So these young women say they want to be there, and they're all adults. R Kelly's done some vile shit, but there's no crime here. Is it troubling, yes, but so was the AV Club gleefully covering this guy's inane records when he's been a known pedophile for years.

It's not a fact, it's an allegation, and there's a lot more reason to be skeptical here than the average celebrity molestation accusation.


That's pretty rich of him, considering his history of racist lyrics, not to mention the time he had his posse stomp a rabbi who bumped into him.

Why is it for the AV Club to publicize Milo for clicks, but not ok for Maher to have him on his show for ratings?

Why is it offensive for Maher to have him on his show, but not for the AV Club to give him exposure in a clickbait article?

I think he's right. I don't think the video would have surfaced so publicly without the interview.

>But it’s increasingly unclear how many people will be left to laugh with him.

-the movie is also nodding to the way Reeves has basically built a whole career on, well, looking cool.

>Brian De Palma’s 1983 version of Scarface was always a bad idea—a sensationalized, extremely bloated remake of one of definitive gangster movies

It's funny that this is coming out now, as I am currently reading the original *Journey to the West* (or rather, an abridged English translation). Monkey really comes across like an asshole - steals other people's stuff, refuses to genuflect before the Jade Emperor, etc. I'm tempted to say he's the original

We're taking about a *president* who sexually assaults people and your biggest concern is a typo. Kind of says it all about the state of our politics.

Lol no of course not. It's an iPhone typo.