J Petrille

Christopher Nolan's made mostly GREAT movies and a couple shitty ones. The opposite is true for the Wachowskis.

Hey now, no one's established that history repeats itself.

I like the one where Sean Williams Scott lived in some shithole. Made me feel better about my own lackluster living situation.

I saw this art exhibit that was all legos. It had that "man exposing his chest and all the legos fall out" in the article picture. Other than that it was moronic. It was literally like "what if there was a lego Mona Lisa" and shit of similar caliber.

I don't know why *I* need to accept that the Tonight Show is middlebrow crap, but *you* don't need to accept that bitching about middlebrow crap is the raison d'etre of the AV Club.

You call yourself junior executives? You're SENIOR JACKASSES!

I don't care if his head's in a fucking fishbowl!

Why can't you let me be me WHOO!

You … you don't know what words mean, do you?

>> The old man part of me that I wish wasn't so … extant.

Yeah I mean they were probably serial pedophiles. We give a pass to talented pedophiles: Burroughs, Ginsberg, MJ. It's just another fucked-up feature of a fucked-up society.

>>>Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

Old, bloated and irrelevant. Sounds like rock n roll to me.

"Fuckity bye!" - Me, to IFC.

Darren Aronofsky did some pretty amazing commentaries. Really, every film student should listen to those.

I feel like people don't obsess over individual movies like they did in the DVD heyday, where you would watch the movie, watch it again with the commentary, watch the deleted scenes with and without commentary. Now you'd just go to the next flick in your queue.

You're an idiot.

Actually, your post makes sense even if the comment does get deleted.

I am glad that rape victims have so many advocates like yourself. I wish responsible, serious journalism, that took establishing the objective truth as the paramount goal, had even half as many advocates.

Am I a bad person for pointing out there's no fucking way anyone said that? Or am I unsympathetic to rape victims if I believe that the burden of proof for alleged rapists should not be lower than it is for any other criminal?