"Premise"? "Punchline"? "Guy"? Take a hike professor.
"Premise"? "Punchline"? "Guy"? Take a hike professor.
I didn't realize we had left.
There's much worse on reddit every single day, on the front page, and no one says shit because the victims aren't famous.
I don't think you're doing much for or against racism by sitting on your fat ass watching a comedy show.
He hurt a celebrity. He will certainly suffer the full brunt of the law.
Man, that is some shitty prose. "She let it ring until I answered." Yeah, that's every phone call ever answered. How is this shit published?
Good, another chance for Leto to fail. I hate that fucker.
He's so witty, cultured and open to new experiences. We could all take a page from his book.
I'm a skateboard rabbi. I take religious extremism TO THE EXTREME.
Look at that insolent posture. He don't respect nothin'!
>>>he's all man, baby
>>> Also, this could be a rare opportunity to see Marc Maron play a
character other than a version of himself
I wish I liked the Wachowskis more. They really are fearlessly innovative and independent-minded. Too bad they don't know what makes a rich story.
Check every shallow grave in the area!
I actually think we're close to a tipping point on gay rights. The smart conservatives know they should lay off gay rights issue for fear of looking like a bigot when the issue is undisputably settled by some supreme court case. As long as they get to pursue their core agenda of persecuting the poor, they can let…
I like Edgar Wright but c'mon. He was an idiot if he thought Marvel Comics—a subsidiary of Disney, by the way—was going to give him significant creative control over a superhero movie.
Maybe that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing our society was founded on? Just a guess.
Sauce you.